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After our park getaway Oliver and I finally get to the store after a bit and we shop for as much candy and chips we can get under ten dollars. We decided to split everything mostly even. I let Oliver have the fruit snacks because I knew that Cole was going grocery shopping soon.

While we were exiting I saw Kade and Emily. Kade was holding a shopping bag from the mall probably with Emily's stuff in it. 

What a gentleman.

They spotted us before we spotted them. They called me over. Emily was smiling big. Well she's always smiling -just like Kade- but her smile was wider than usual.

"Hi Hazel." She said gleefully, basically jumping with joy.

That's probably why her and Kade are dating. They're very much alike but different at the same time. With Kade's sweet, funny, and slightly accident-pron personality and Emily's charming, kind, and goofy yet caring personality they went well together.

They could light any room. Their friendly demeanor could make anyone smile and feel welcome. I like that a lot about both of them.

I smiled back at them. "Hi Emily, hi Kade. What are you guys doing?"

Emily held up a necklace she was wearing around her neck. "We just went shopping. Look at the beautiful necklace Kade brought me. Isn't it stunning? It shines when the sun hits it."

Kade smiled fondly at her. "It looks great on you." He complimented

Kade had been saving up his money for a little bit to be able to buy it for her. Mom and dad offered to give him the money but he wanted to do it himself, he said it would make it more special. 

He only needed 50 more dollars which he got from the 115 dollars he somehow managed to get on the last day of school.

He was so happy. He wanted to get the perfect one for her. He was showing me pictures of the necklace on my last day in the hospital. It was beautiful and I helped him find a store in the mall that still had it in stock.

"What's in the bag?" I asked motioning to it.

Kade held it up. "New football gloves and a bunch of weird makeup stuff Emily wanted." Sometimes I forget Kade plays football.

Emily laughed. "Your brother thought eye shadow was fancy blush."

I laughed and Kade blushed. "It all looks the same to me."

Kade's eyes glanced at the person standing next to me. He raised an eyebrow and motioned to Oliver. "Who's this?"

Oliver stood up more straight and cleared his throat. "My name's Oliver."

"Oh, they would be such a cute couple. Don't you think?" Emily said nudging Kade with her elbow.

Kade turned to me slightly wide-eyed. "Weren't you just with the other guy the other day at the coffee shop. Wasn't his name Samantha?"

Oliver snorted and I laughed. "His name was Sam and we weren't dating we were just working on a math together to get ready for the test."

"So... why aren't you hanging out with him right now?" Kade asked

I haven't thought about Sam in a while. He stopped texting me after the test day. I texted him the day before I went to the hospital and he still hasn't replied, not that I check everyday or anything like that. Maybe he's just busy.

I shrugged. "I don't know, he hasn't texted me in a while."

"That's right Hazel, don't wait for any man. Remember they're on your time, if he doesn't text you at least once a week forget him. As you should." Emily said nodding in approval

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