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When we reach his house we put our bikes down and Sam opens the front door. We walk in and Sam closes the door behind us.

"Mom!" He yells

"Sam is that you?" A woman's voice yells from somewhere in the house.

A lady walks out in an apron, flour is all over her clothes. She has brown hair like Sam but her eyes are brown.

"I thought you said you were going to the cafe to study with that girl you really li-" She stops mid sentence when she sees both of us standing there

Sam looks slightly embarrassed and clears his throat. "Mom, this is Hazel."

Her mouth goes into an o shape before she smiles brightly. "Hi Hazel, I'm Sam's mom and you can call me Layla. It's nice to finally meet you. Sam has said wonderful things about you." She rants

She seems like a nice person. I can't help but laugh at how red Sam's face is turning.

"Did you guys come back for lunch? I could make both of you sandwiches if you want."  She says

"Sure mom. We'll be in the living room studying." Sam says. He takes my hand and leads me to the his living room.

We sit on one of the couches and Sam put the papers on a coffee table and turns to me.

"We can start studying after we eat. Do you want to watch TV?" He asks me

"Sure." I say

Sam turns on a show that I've never watched before and after two minutes I can't look away. Something about this show is just so interesting.

Layla soon comes in with the food and she eats lunch with us before going back to the kitchen to finish the pies she was baking. I learned a lot about her. She owns the bakery that my brother Cole works at part time and in the summer she's a swim instructor.

Sam and I start working on studying after to my disappointment. I really wanted to finish watching the show.

"If we hurry, then maybe we'll be able to watch the rest of the show." He tells me

"Okay." I grumble

We go back to studying and going over things. Layla comes to check on us every once in a while to see if we need anything and to offer us pie. The pie was amazing, no wonder she owns a bakery.

With my determination and Sam's quick brain we manage to finish quicker than expected.

"Turn it back on. The show." I say eagerly pointing at the TV

Sam laughs. "You're acting like a three year old."

I put my finger down and cross my arms. "I am not." I defend myself

"What ever you say." Sam smirks

I blow my cheeks out in annoyance. "Just turn it back on. We finished studying already. The show needs me, I need the show." I say desperately

He stacks the papers very slowly before grabbing the remote to turn on the TV. 

"Finally." I say dramatically

"Hazel." I turn to Sam who's looking at me with a questioning look.

"Are you sure we don't need to study anymore? I know you like the show but the math test does determined what level you'll be at next year. It's very important and if you still don't understand something we could go over it right now." He says

"I think I'm good." I say not taking my eyes off the screen.

"You could always come over some other time to watch the show if we don't finish it." Sam offers

"Really?" I ask. Sam's house us really pretty and I would love to come over again. 

"Yeah. We could give each other our numbers so we could talk." Sam says


"Yes!" We both turn around and see Sam's mom standing at the kitchen door way. She waves her hands at us and smiles sheepishly. "Sorry, didn't mean to ruin the moment. I'll go now."

She heads back to the kitchen smiling. I grab my phone and hand it to Sam and her hands me his.

I put my number in and then put my name on the contact. When we finish we hand each other back our phones.

I look at the time and see that I have an hour and thirty minutes before karate practice starts. I hope I can finish watching the show. I hate cliffhangers.

"Hazel, are you going for the karate competition this year?" Sam asks me

"Yeah. I always do." I say

"I went to the one last year. You're really good." Sam says

"Are you going to the one this year?" I ask

"Maybe. I hope so." Sam says

"Me to."

"I heard about you coach or whatever you guys call him in karate. People were spreading rumors saying that you team wasn't going to compete this year because of it." Sam says

I nod. "We weren't going to but when we all thought about it we wanted to make him proud. The hospital has aloud him come and see us compete. It'll mean a lot if we get first place."

"I'm sure you guys will. Your team is really good." Sam says "Have you seen your coach lately?"

"No, I haven't seen him since he went to the hospital. I miss him, it's not the same without him there to train us. This year might be very different because he's in the hospital. I'm going to visit him in the hospital tomorrow with a couple of other students. It'll be nice to see him again." I say smiling

"I hope you guys do well. With you on the team you guys are definitely going to win." Sam winks

"Thank for the encouragement Sam." I say

"Anytime." he says

We watch the show for an hour before I get up and say I have to leave. This time I won't be late. In fact I'm going to try to get there before John just to brag in his face. I wish I had a motorcycle, when I'm old enough I'm going to get one and no one can stop me, not even Martin.

It's going to be hot pink. I can see it now.

I get on my bike and say goodbye to Sam and Layla before heading down the road to the karate dojo.

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