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I wake up the next morning to someone's phone going off. I open my eyes and see a phone on the table. It takes me a second to realize that it's Kade's phone. My eyes scanned the room. everyone is still sleeping. Martin is hanging off his chair, Cole is sleeping on the back of Martin's head. His face is stuffed in Martin's hair.

Beck and Miles were hugging each other which is weird because they usually can't stand one another. Lane is next to me with his arm still around me. I count each of them.

One, Two, Three, Four, Five.......

Where's my sixth brother?

It's so easy to lose track of one of them when there's so many of them. I slowly move Lane's arm off of me and I manage not to wake him.

I step down and feel something that is not the floor. I look down and see Kade, my right foot on top of him. I move my foot and get off the couch without stepping on him. I walk over to Cole and Martin. I tap Cole on the shoulder.

He groans and stays still which makes me giggle. I tap his shoulder again and this time he sat up. His eyes are still closed. He sits there for a bit before rubbing his eyes. He opens them and looks at me.

"What." He growls in his sleepy voice

"It's time to wake up sweetie pie." I say in a sweet voice.

Without warming he pulls me down into his lap. He hugs me like a teddy bear putting his blanket over us.

"Too early Haz. Let's go back to sleep yeah." Before I can answer he already snoring.

I try to get out of his grip but he's too strong. I sigh in frustration.

"Cole, let me go." I say but he doesn't answer.

I thought he was a morning person. He's the one who always wakes me up for school. That's the only reason I'm never late.

I poke him in the ribs until he opens one eye and looks at me.

"You're not gonna let me go back to sleep are you?"


He sighs and lets me go. He gets up to stretch and then looks back at me.

"I gonna go make breakfast. Wake the others up." He walks to the kitchen leaving me with five sleeping brothers.

I look at Kade lying on the floor and walk over to him. First I kick his head and when that doesn't work I jump on his back.

"Stop" He groans "I'm tryna sleep."

"You have to wake up." I tell him

I stop jumping on him for a second and think. What would get him to wake up?

"Kade the ice cream truck is here and it's about to leave" He shoots up abruptly causing me to go flying into Miles and Beck waking them both up.

"THE ICE CREAM TRUCK IS HERE!" Kade yells running out the front door. His yelling wakes up Martin and Lane.

"The ice cream truck is here this early?" Miles asks rubbing his eyes

"No. I just said that to wake him up. Hopefully he'll notice soon." I say. Kade can be a little slow sometimes.

The smell of fresh breakfast floats through the air and leads me and the boys to the kitchen. Cole is still cooking but the bacon's done.

"Don't you guys touch anything. I'm not done yet." Cole say holding up a finger.

"When are you going to be done?" Beck asks

"Uh...2 minutes" Cole says

When we're about to walk away we hear the front door open. All of us look to the door and see Kade standing there with an ice cream cone.

"Where did you get the ice cream?" I ask. Last time I checked, there wasn't an ice cream truck outside.

"Well when I went outside and the ice cream truck wasn't there so I ran to the ice cream store." Kade says licking his almost melted ice cream

"Dam, why didn't I think of that?" Miles mumbles

"I think that might be the stupidest thing you've ever done." Martin says

Kade shrugs. "I was already outside so I was like why not?"

"Let's go eat, I'm done cooking." Cole says

"We're not eating together, I have to get to practice." Martin says grabbing a plate and taking food.

"I have to work on my project." Lane says

"I'm gonna go practice my guitar in my room." Beck says

"I'm just here for the food." Miles shrugs

"I don't have an excuse so I'll just get my food and go." Kade says

"I want to eat in my room" I say

Cole shrugs. "Fine, you guys just go do whatever you want."

Cole stays in the kitchen to eat his food. He spends most of time in the kitchen. He's always cooking. It's kinda his thing.

I head to my room and shut the door only for it to be opened again. Beck was still holding his food and stood in front of my door.

"What?" I ask

The hand that is not holding his food has icy hot in it. He holds it up to my face. "I got it."

"I don't need it any more. Look my legs are fine." I say pointing to them

"Oh well." He shrugs turning around

"Wait" I say making him stop


"Give me my three dollars back." I say holding out my hand

"No." He says

"Why not?" I say

"Because I don't want to." He says walking to his bedroom and shutting the door.

I decide not to argue and I go back into my room shutting the door behind me. Three dollars is just a little money. I probably have more money somewhere. I eat my food and turn on my TV to watch Sponge Bob.

After I'm done I head to the bathroom and take a shower. I get dressed and decide to go to Katie's house.

While walking down stairs I ran into Miles. He gives me a goofy smile and I return it making him laugh.

"Where you going squirt." He says ruffling my hair

"To Katie's house. Where are you going?" I say

"I'm going to the skate park, meeting up with some friends." He says

When we walk out the door we wave at each other and head our separate ways.

"Have fun." Miles says

"You too." I say back

I grab my bike and ride to Katie's house.

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