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In two weeks Katie was back at her house. She invited me over to watch movies one day. 

When she was at my house we caught up with each other. I told her about how I made a new friend in the library on the day she told me not to sit with her. She was really excited and wanted to know all about Oliver.  

"I can't wait to meet our friend." She said smiling

"My friend." I reminded her

"A friend of yours is a friend of mine, so our friend." She said

"Why don't you invite him over to my house when you come to watch movies?" She suggested

"That would be weird." I said

"I didn't tell you but I maybe also invited Andy to come watch movies with us. It may or may not be true, I'll never tell. But if it is true you probably don't want to third wheel right? You should bring your new friend just in case." 

And that's what ended up happening. I invited Oliver to Katie's house to watch movies with us. It's not like he had anything better to do. He said he'd come so my problem of third-wheeling was solved.

When I got there Andy and Katie were already there. They were in Katie's lounge room and were setting up the TV and snacks. 

Lots of snacks.

I guess it's good to have options. Oliver came a few minutes after me. I was relieved to see him here. I honestly thought he was going to forget or just bail.

Once everything was set up we all found places to sit. Oliver and I sat on the two bean bags in the corner and Katie and Andy sat together on one of the many couches. 

We all had no idea what we were going to watch. Since Katie is the most indecisive person in the world, she let the TV pick for us. 

I hope this ends well.

The TV picked the Good Dinosaur which wasn't that bad of a pick. I haven't watched that movie in a while.

The lights dimmed and the movie started. After a couple of minutes, Oliver started looking around in the darkness like he lost something.

"What are you looking for?" I asked in a hushed whisper

He turned to me and when the light from the movie hit his face I could see a small frown. "Where's the popcorn?"

"It's still popping. We can go check on it in a bit." I said

"Does popcorn really take this long to pop?" He asked

I shrugged. "I don't know. I've never made popcorn before."

"Have they?" He asked, pointing to Katie and Andy.

"Maybe." I said

He sighed and turned his attention back to the screen. I felt bad so I handed him a cookie which he happily took.

The movie was getting interesting and we were all silent. It got to the part where Arlo and his dad were in the storm. 

Now we were really, really quiet. Nobody was grabbing snacks, it was like we were all frozen.

That was until Andy got up to check on the popcorn. We set the micro wave to thirty minutes. I don't know why, but I'm starting to think that it was a bad idea.

Andy missed the part where the dad actually died. I completely forget about that part. It was so sad.

Before I knew it tears were coming from my eyes. I looked around the room and saw Oliver with his hand over his eyes.

He sniffled and I squinted at him to get a better look. "Are you crying?"

"No." He said but his voice told a different story.

"Yes you are." I said, still trying to get a better look at him.

"You're crying too!" He defended himself. He started rubbing his eyes to try to get the tears to go away.

Katie grabbed some napkins and blew her nose. "That is so unfair like why couldn't his brother die or something? The dad literally gave off main character energy and for them to just end him like that? This world is so cruel." She half sobbed.

We all collected ourselves after a bit.

"It's just a movie." Oliver said, nodding to himself.

"Yeah, we probably won't care about this tomorrow but it's just so sad." Katie said

After she said that Andy had opened the door and all the light blinded us.

He looked at all of us confused. "Did I miss something?"

None of us answered that but Oliver cleared his throat and sat up. "Was the popcorn ready?"

Andy nodded. "Way too ready man."

He held up a bag of burnt popcorn to show us. It didn't even look like popcorn. 

It smelt horrific and the smell soon filled the room.

"Evacuate, evacuate." Katie said quickly as she plugged her nose (which made her voice sound weird) and ran out of the room. Andy dropped the popcorn bag and ran after her. 

Oliver and I followed in suit and just like Katie when we passed the popcorn bag we plugged our noses.

We went to the living room and agreed that we would finish the movie out here. We had left all our snacks in the lounge room and nobody was brave enough to destroy their nostrils to try and get them. 

Katie ordered pizza and wigs since we were all still hungry and we continued to watch the movie. It was sad and happy at the same time when it ended.

After we finished it, we wanted to watch another movie. We thought we'd let the TV decide again since we all liked that last movie.

We shouldn't have let the TV decide again. This time it was a mistake. It picked a movie called the family.

Since it had the word family in it we thought the movie would be nice and pleasant. Sure the people on the cover looked a little goofy but we don't judge

It was everything but nice and pleasant. What we missed was the fact that it was a thriller and rated R.

Most of the scenes I covered my face with a blanket. We skipped past so many scenes that I wondered why we were even watching this. 

Finally the movie ended. None of us knew what to say. Even Katie was speechless.

"That was an emotional roller coaster." Andy finally said

We murmured in agreement. How did we go from the good dinosaur to that?

We didn't want to watch movies anymore after that so Katie pulled out some board games and we played with those instead.

If we do this again some time the TV is NOT picking the movie.

(A/N: Happy New Year!)

My Older Brothersحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن