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We were taking two cars, Martin's car and Cole's car. Since we couldn't decide who wanted to go in each car we put names in a hat and picked.

I was riding with Martin, Beck, and Kade while Miles, Lane, and Cole were riding in the other car. I wish I had gotten the calmer group. This ride will be anything but peaceful.

We were leaving at night. The sun had already set and it was kind of chilly outside. We all sat in the cars while we waited for Martin and Cole to check if we had everything.

Kade sat in the front while me and Beck sat in the back. I looked at Cole's car and through the window I could see Lane on his phone and Miles leaning his head on the window sleeping. I hope he feels better, Cole said he would be fine.

"Guys, I can't see." Kade says, looking around.

He reaches his hand up and turns on the lights inside the car, blinding both me and Beck.

"Turn the fucking lights off!" Beck yells covering his eyes with his hand.

"Hold on, I think I dropped something." Kade says, unbuckling his seat belt and reaching down.

I put my hoody on and brought my knees to my chest. It's too late for this.

"Turn them off!" Beck yells again.

"Okay Fine!" Kade sighs and turns off the lights.

Nobody speaks again for about thirty seconds before Kade says something. Kade always has too much energy and he's never quiet. Not even when he's sleeping.

"Where do you think we're going?" Kade asks me as he turns around.

"Maybe Florida." I say

"Nah, maybe Africa." Kade says.

I shake my head. "No, I don't think so."

Beck sighs loudly and looks out the window. "We're not even on the road yet and I'm already sick of all of you."

"You're just a negative Nancy." Kade mocks him.

Martin opens the driver door and tells us everything's good so we can leave now. Our car backs up first and then Cole's car follows. Beck takes his blankets and wraps himself up, turning away from everyone and starting to watch a movie on his phone. 

Kade is talking loudly to Martin about football camp which he's going to after our vacation. He'll be there for three weeks and when he comes back it'll be time for my karate competition and a week after that the new school year will start. 

He's pretty excited about football camp. Kade's always loved football, he even tried to convince mom and dad to send him to boarding school for football next year, but when they said no he convinced them to let him go for the camp over the summer. 

I'm happy for this trip. I can finally get away from this place for a bit, but I'll still have six annoying brothers with me. After an hour of Kade's non-stop talking the ride goes silent when he falls asleep. Besides the snoring. Beck is still staring at his phone and Martin still seems wide awake for it being 11:30 at night.

We get to the airport after about thirty more minutes. Martin and Cole find places to leave their cars and we all head in. The lights in the airport are way too bright and I have to squint to see. I feel sleepy and dazed and aimlessly follow my brothers to where my parents are supposed to be waiting. 

Martin gives me a piggy back ride because apparently I'm "walking too slow". Cole grabs my suitcase and Miles complains about his head hurting for the fifth time in the last minute.

We find our parents and they lead us to our private jet which I'm just now finding out we had. Martin tells me it's new and they brought so business trips were easier.

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