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At this point the park is like a second home to me. Well maybe third because I spend more time at the dojo. It's a comforting place for me. A place to relax, enjoy nature, and have fun all at once.

Last summer I spent most of my free time here and I'll probably do the same this summer. Once I got to the park I rode my bike on the sidewalk for bit looking for something to do.

Just like I thought I would, I saw John with his dogs. I smirked and quickly put my bike away before going over to him.

With one look at me he scoffed. "What are you doing here so early?"

"It's like nine in the morning." I say

"I thought you only came in the afternoon." He says

"I came extra early to see you and your wonderful dogs. Did you get another one?" I ask bending down to pet them. There was one in the group that I haven't seen before, it was smaller than the others.

"Yeah, my little brother convinced my parents to." John says

"Wow, so now you have ten dogs to walk every morning?" I ask

He nods. "And a lot of poop to pick up."

I laughed. "Sucks for you."

"Tell me about it. I'm the only one who walks these things and I didn't even want half of them. I tellin' you, I can't wait till old Rebby over there dies." John says pointing to the oldest dog in the group. Rebby who is 23 years old has been in John's family way before he was born. His parents got that dog on their honey moon in France.

I can't believe he's still alive. John hates Rebby for some reason. He says the dog is too clingy and needs to understand that he doesn't want to share his bed with him. John told us that the reason he started locking his door was because of Rebby.

John and Ed have been betting on when Rebby was going to die for years. I don't think he'll live much longer because he's having a few issues and John's parents are thinking about putting him down.

"John." I scold

"You try waking up with a dog's butt in your face. It's scary." John says

"That is very mean. How could you say something like that about Rebby." A voice says from behind us.

I turn around and see the same boys from the time I ate lunch in the library. What was his name again? Owen? Olive... wait! It was Oliver! I remember he's the kid who I gave half of my sandwich to and my fruit snacks.

"Oh, Ollie you're finally here. That's wonderful now you can walk the dogs just like mom and dad told you to." John says, gathering up the leashes and holding them out to Oliver.

"No can do older brother. I am heading to the store to buy a bunch of junk so I can go home and watch TV for the rest of the day." Oliver says

"You guys are brothers?" I ask looking between them.

Oliver smiles and says, "Yep." while John grumbles, "Unfortunately."

"You guys look nothing alike." I say

"Yeah, I got the looks, he got the stupidity." Oliver says

"More like the other way around." John mumbles

"Hey you're the girl from the library." Oliver says pointing to me

I nod.

"Do you have any more sandwiches?" He asks

"No. My brother made them for me. I could ask him to make some more." I offer

"That would be great. What about fruit snacks? Do you have fruit snacks?" He asks

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