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"Katie!" I yell looking around the house. "I'm here!"

Katie and I have been best friends since first grade. She's a great person when she tries. I've had many friends, but they usually only last for two years. Katie has lasted for nine.

Her favorite thing to do is get in trouble and drag me into it somehow. She once told me that if we were cops I would be the good cop and she would be the bad.

Katie and I are always up to something. I'm proud to say that I'm the smart one in this duo.

"Did you bring candy?" Katie asks, appearing from the top of the stair

I held up the shopping bag for her to see. She jumps down the stairs, barley landing and grabs the bag.

"Ooooooo, you got drinks to." She says while searching the bag

"Let me get my candy." I say taking the bag from her and setting it on a nearby table.

"What are we gonna do." I ask her opening my bag of candy

"I was planning on having a movie marathon with Kalani, but she had to go on her date, so I'm not sure." She says

"I've 2 hours to spend here with you before I go to practice so think of something."

"Kalani and her stupid date ruined everything." Katie mumbles.

"Who is this person your sister's going on a date with anyway?" I ask

"She won't tell me, but I have some ideas." Katie says before stuffing candy in her mouth

"Who?" I ask frowning my eye brows

"Um... I have three different boys in mind." Katie says and then goes back to her candy. After standing there for a minute waiting for her to say something I finally speak up.

"Well who?" I ask impatiently.

"Oh, sorry, I forgot we were talking when I saw the candy. Follow." She says while motioning me with her hand. We walk to her living room and sit on the couch.

"Okay, person number one is Peter Jones." I look at her confused

"Your neighbor?" I ask

She nods. "Yeah."

"Why him?" I ask trying not to laugh. Peter Jones just doesn't look like someone Kalani would date.

"Because he comes over to our house a lot and him and Kalani are good friends." She says as her reason

"Yeah, good friends. I'm pretty sure that's it." I say

"But there could be more. You know in all the stories how the two best friends fall in love." She says

"They're stories and also I think that they've been friends for too long to become boyfriend and girlfriend. Also I don't think they consider each other best friends." I say

"Okay fine, you're right." Katie says

"Next person." I say putting a piece of candy in my mouth.

"John Davis" She says

"Who's that?" I ask

"He goes to her college. He came to our house like three times because he was Kalani's partner for a project." She explains

"Why would he be asking her on a date?"

She thinks for a moment and then shrugs her shoulders. "Honestly I just put him on the list because he was a cute nerd. And because he was really nice when he came."

I roll my eyes. At this point she's just putting any boy that comes into their house on the list.

"Katie, we're looking for a potential person who would ask Kalani on a date, not for someone who looks cute to you." I tell her

"Did I mention he has a British accent?" She asks. My attitude completely changes

"Oh my god really?" I gush

"Yeah, he was an exchange student. He was so smart and handsome." She says

"And you didn't invite me over?" I ask

"I wanted to but my mom would always say no. I swear I was gonna ask him for his number." She says

"You should have." I say

"Yeah, but he was like Kalani's age so that would be weird." She says

"Probably." I sigh

"I wish we had boys our age at school that looked like him."

"Remember what Kalani said, they're gonna have a glow up in Junior year."


"Wait you said three boys right?" I ask her

"Yeah, why?"

"You only said two boys. Who's the third one?"

She shoots her head up as if remembering. "Oh yeah. The third one is your brother Martin." I stop digging in my candy bag and stare at her.

"Martin?" I squint my eye slightly

She nods. "Yeah."

"How?" I manage to ask

"Think about it. They both play soccer, they both go to the same college, and they're close in age. Your brother's only a year older than my sister." She says

"But that doesn't mean anything." I says

She shakes her head in disagreement. "It means a lot. With all these similarities, they were bound to run into one another at some point."


"But what?"

"Have you met my brother? He's not the nicest person in the world." I remind her

"And neither is my sister. They're perfect for each other."

I can't picture my brother and Kalani together. Even though they have things in common, I would never put two and two together.

Also my brother doesn't seem like the caring type of boyfriend. He reminds me more of a player. And I don't think he would ever take a girl on a date this early in the morning. He said he was going to soccer practice.

"Whatever, all your guesses are wrong. I've found flaws in all of them." I state

"Say what you wanna say, I know at least one of them is correct." Katie says back.

"I can't believe we have the whole house to ourselves and we're just sitting here talking about your sister's love life."

"Wanna sneak out?" Katie asks

"Sneak out?"

"Yeah. We've never done it before, and since no one's here we won't get in trouble. It's like sneaking out without the sneak part."

"So, basically just walking out the front door." I say

She huffs. "You make it sound not fun. Do you know how much brain power I had to use to think of something that original?"

I roll my eyes. "Fine let's sneak out."

"Yay!" Katie yell

I start to get up but Katie stops me.

"Girl, let me finish my candy. Why are you in such a rush?"

I sigh and sit back down. "Fine we'll finish our candy first."

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