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"Hazel, can we talk?" I turn around in the hallway to face Katie.

I look at her confused. "Huh?" I ask

It had been three days since me and Katie had an argument. I haven't talked to her since. This is the first time either of us tried to talk to one another. In the classes we had together we would sometimes glance at each other but we stopped checking on the other when we made eye contact.

I think Miles is the only one of my brothers who knows what happened at lunch and I'm pretty sure he did keep his word about beating up Aiden and Tyler because they came back the next day with a couple of bruises. And because they're always cautious when walking next to me now.

Maybe he did tell my other brothers, but the others haven't mentioned it to me. Miles did ask me about Katie once this week because he's in our social studies class and we usually sit together, but now Katie sits by another person. 

When I told him about our argument he said something along the lines of it being stupid and childish. 

Two days ago...


"Hey dumbo. I came to tell you that dinner's ready." Miles says after yanking my hair 

"Okay." I say putting my phone down on my nightstand.

Before he came in, I was contemplating on whether or not to text Katie. I thinking about what I could say. Maybe I could apologize for overacting .Or I could say hi, but that would be too casual.

When did texting my best friend become so hard?

"So what's up with you and Katie?" Miles asks

I look at him. "What do you mean?" I ask

"Oh come on, I know somethings going on. You guys don't sit be each other in class anymore." He says

I avoid eye contact. "It's nothing."

"I dunno, I think it's something." He says smirking

"What's it to you?" I snap

He shrugs. "I need some good gossip. You know?  Something not many people know about."

"That nerdy senior girl Tracey did the dirty with the football caption and his cheerleader girlfriend doesn't know about it yet." I say

His eyes widened. "Wait so Tracy fucked Tim and Rachel doesn't know about it?"


"How did you know then?" He ask me

"Girls never stop talking about each other in high school, after all that's basically what every friendship is based on. Girls also really love talking about each other in the bathroom to stall going back to their classes. I just so happened to be in the bathroom when they were talking about this topic and from the looks of it, not many people know about this." I say

"I feel like I just learned everything I need to know about girls." Miles says astonished

"Well not everyth-"

"All I need to know. Do I look smarter?" Miles asks bringing his face way too close to mine

I push him away with my hand. "No"

He pouts making me laugh.

"Well at least you got your gossip." I say 

"We still haven't talked about you and Katie." He says

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