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"Have fun Hazel!" Lane yells out of the car window

"Break a board for me!" Kade yells from beside him

"See you guys at home." I say with a smile as I close the car door

I missed the dojo so much. Being gone for two days felt like two months. I miss the equipment, the locker room, my friends, and even arguing with John. If I could go back in time, I would definitely choose the dojo over going to Katie's birthday party. Way less drama would be happening between me and her if I did.

I open one of the double doors and enter the dojo, walking to the locker room to change. When I walk out, I jog over to a smaller room where me, Mia, John, and Ed are meeting. They're already there and like always, I'm slightly late.

John, surprisingly doesn't comment on this and just watches me as I sit down. I raise an eyebrow at him and he just blinks.

"What!?" I ask 

He tilts his head slightly before shrugging. "I'm not sure honestly."

"I think what John is trying to say is that he missed you." Ed says smirking

"No!" John says quickly after. "I... I'm just surprised that you showed up considering that you haven't been here for two days."

"You've been counting? Did you miss me that much." I tease

"It's not hard to notice that you're not here, considering that we don't have to wait for what feels like five hours to start class." John snaps

The rest of us laughed. "Good comeback John. You got her for sure."

John rolls his eyes. "I can't believe you left me with these two love birds Hazel. They were twice as cringy with you not here. Hugging and shit."

Mia blushes and Ed shrugs. "You're just jealous that you don't have a girlfriend."

"That's because I don't need one. Single life forever." John says

"Is that why you're always a wingman?" Ed asks

"Shut up." John grumbles


"Ed's mom, Ed is bullying me!" John yells as he points to Ed

Ed's mom walks in and ruffles Ed's hair. "Don't bully John. He's such a sweet kid."

All of us, including John laugh at this.

"Is everyone ready now?" Ed asks

When we all nod and Ed tells us what we're going to do. Oh, I missed this so much.


After practice Lane texted me that no one was able to pick me up so I had to walk home. Mom's leaving tonight and she has to get all her stuff ready so I didn't want to bother her. 

If I had known, I would've brought my bike with me. Since I don't have to worry about anyone waiting on me in the parking lot I changed back into my normal clothes before heading home. 

Ed and Mia had a date planned and John left before I could ask him for a ride. I didn't want a ride from that idiot anyway, he'd probably crash into a wall.

When I reached home after the walk, no one except mom seemed to be home. She was in her and dad's room packing the rest of her stuff early so she could go start dinner.

I went to my room and played a couple of games by myself for an hour before heading back downstairs to see if dinner was done. Mom told me that It will be ready at 8:50, in her words we're having a 'late dinner'. 

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