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Even though all the testing is over, we still have to go to all our classes. When we get there, that teacher gets to decide what we do. In math class we went outside. Lane's class was outside too and he let me sit with him and his friends.

A lot of people told me that they liked my new hair, before that I didn't realize how many people paid attention to my appearance. I'm happy no one made fun of my hair, I probably would've cried considering the fact that I don't really love it.

After that I went to English and sat in my normal spot which was near Katie. When I got there she wasn't in the class and I thought for a second that she might be skipping. That was until she walked in holding hands with Andy. The same guy who she let take my spot at our lunch table.

Apparently, they just became 'official' yesterday on her birthday. I wonder why she didn't tell me. Probably because she knew I didn't like him and she didn't want to make me mad.

He kissed her on her cheek before heading to his seat. She looked at me and squealed before walking over.

"Hazel, did you see that!? He kissed me." 

"On the cheek."

She scoffs. "A kiss is a kiss."

I smile. "I'm very happy for you."

She sits down and pulls out a book to my shock. Then when I realize it's one of the books I got her for her birthday it's mine turn to squeal.

She looks up from her book in confusion. "What?"

"Y-you're reading." I gasp. 

"Okay?" She says with a raised eyebrow

"You're reading one of the books I got you for your birthday." I say, barely being able to contain my excitement.

"No I'm not." She says. Her look changes, almost like she thinks I'm lying. Her face scans mine suspicious before going back to confusion. "You didn't get me anything for my birthday."

My smile falls slightly but I try to keep it on. "What?"

She glares at me. "What do you mean what? I said you didn't get me anything for my birthday. You told me you did, you lied to me."

I blink. "Then where did you get that book from?"

Her smile comes back on her face as she looks down at the book. "Riley got for me. Isn't she sweet. She even wrapped it in my favorite shade of pink. I didn't know that she knew that was my favorite color."

"But I got you a pack of the whole book series." I say

"No, there was no gift with your name on it when we all woke up to see me open all of them." She says

"My gift was wrapped in your favorite shade of pick and it had a tag that had a little birthday note with my name sighed." I say

She shakes her head. "No gift had a tag with it. Riley's name was written on the gift wrap with a sweet message on it."

"What did the message say?" I ask 

"It said 'To: Katie, Happy Birthday to my favorite partner in crime! I hope you like the gift I got you and I'm wishing you the best on your special day. Love, Riley."

I shake my head in disbelief. "No."

"Yes, that's what it said." Katie says

"I wrote that exact same message on my gift, with my name on it!" I say

She narrows her eyes at me. "What are you trying to say?"

"I don't know, maybe Riley..." I trail off

"Maybe she what?" Katie challenges.

"That maybe... maybe she stole my gift and wrote her name on it with the message I wrote you." I say

"Or maybe you had a terrible gift that you knew I wouldn't like so you decided to bail on me when we all fell asleep and take your gift with you." Katie says

"That's not what happened." I say

"Then what happened?" Katie asks. 

I can tell that she doesn't believe a single word I'm saying but I'm going to try anyway. Katie and I have known each other for a long time. We trust each other and if our friendship has a problem we either work it out quickly or spend some time away from each other.

"You guys pranked me and I got upset so I walked home." I say

"We didn't prank you. My sister was the first to fall asleep, her own methods worked against her so we gave her clown make up and took a picture of her face to put on her insta." Katie says

"I don't remember that." I say

"You were the second to fall asleep. You fell asleep right after her. We were going to prank you too but it was Riley who insisted that we spare you. If I were her I would take back that decision if I heard how you were talking about me." Katie says

My head was already hurting and Katie is making it hurt more. I put my hand on my forehead which feels really warm and look up at Katie. "Something's not adding up." 

"Yeah, the fact that you're lying to me." Katie snaps

"Why would I lie to you about a present?" I ask her

"You're lying about more than the present." Katie says

I sigh. "What else am I lying about?"

"You said you walked home." 

"I did." I say

"Riley said she woke up to use the bathroom and saw you getting into one of your brother's cars." Katie says

"That's a lie!" I exclaim

"Hazel, why would I believe you when you're already lying to me about something else?"

"I'm not lying." I say angrily

I turn away from her and I hear her scoff. "Great now you made me waste all my reading time."

"I'm sorry." I mumble

"How do I know you're not lying about being sorry? Can I even trust you anymore?" Katie asks

I don't answer. The bells rings and we all grab our stuff to head out the class room.

Katie holds up my pencil for me to grab but when I try to she won't let it go. I turn to her and I notice how different her face is. Her eyes hold slight anger and another emotion that I can't read.

"Riley and I were planing on finding a new lunch table. We were going to invite you but I think it's best if you don't come." She says

I nod but she still holds on to my pencil. 

"I'm serious Hazel, don't even think about sitting there let alone looking at us." 

Her voice is stern and her face holding no sigh of friendship in it. I think this is the most serious I've ever seen Katie in the years that I've known her. 

"Okay." I say

She lets go of my pencil and walks out quickly without me. Her actions kind of make me feel like she doesn't see me as a friend anymore. It's funny how people can change so quickly with people they've known for so long over a person who they just met.

I tie my sweater to my waist before grabbing my stuff and walking out of the classroom. Guess I'll sit with my brothers today. If they let me.

(A/N: Katie is dumb for not believing Hazel. Do you think Katie and Hazel will be close again? Hopefully Katie will come to her senses. Do you think Katie will find out the truth? Sometimes Hazel is too nice, this girl needs to stand up for herself more and stop apologizing. At least she still has her brothers and Sam... right? It'll all be worth it in the end, at one point things have to go Hazel's way. Can't wait for the next chapter, I was thinking about posting it with this chapter since it just carried on where this one left off but I decided to wait till next Monday. Thanks for reading and have a wonderful rest of your day/night!)

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