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Last night I barely got any sleep. I woke up after about thirty minutes in a cold sweat, I was so nervous about the test. It really started to dawn on me that this is not one of my usual math tests where it just counted for a small grade.  

This is what my teacher has been training me for all year. If I fail then it'll bring down my final grade. What if my parents get mad?

The rest of the night I spent drifting in and out of sleep. As soon as the clock hit 6:00 I jumped out of bed and ran downstairs.

Cole was in there and he was starting breakfast. Coffee was brewing, bacon was sizzling, and eggs were frying. 

There was a box of cereal on the table and Cole was mixing pancake batter, there was even toast. He was going all out for the test day.

When he saw me he looked surprised and frowned his eyebrows.

"What are you doing up this early? You're never awake at this time." Cole says

I don't answer him. I walk off to a chair and grab it to move it next to Cole. I sit on it and lean against the back of it, closing my eyes.

I felt Cole pat my head and then walked away. I was too tired to follow or see where he was going but he came back a little later. 

I felt a blanket being put over me and it made the wooden chair more comfy. I bring my knees to my chest and pull the blanket over my shoulders. 

Maybe it's because I'm so tired or maybe it's because Cole's here but either way I end up falling into a deep sleep on the chair while Cole finishes making breakfast.

The sound of voices in the kitchen wakes me up. At first I feel a little tired but after sitting there for a couple of seconds the tiredness goes away. I stretch and look around the kitchen.

"She's awake." Kade whispers to Lane

"Does that mean we don't have to whisper anymore?" Miles asks


"Finally." Beck yells

I get off the chair and wrap the blanket around me. Without doing much thinking I head to my room, take shower, get dressed, and then grab all my stuff before heading downstairs.

I grab some breakfast and sit in an empty spot near my brothers. I silently eat and listen to their conversations. We're all here except Cole and Martin.

After breakfast Lane tells us that we're leaving. I put my plate in the dishwasher and then go in the cabinet to find the cough drops.

I grab two and head to Martin's room. His door was open and he was sleeping in his bed so I just walked in quietly and put them where I told him I would.

I head back downstairs and join my brothers in the car. Lane tells us we're lucky because we're not seniors so we don't have to take the hardest test. 

Kade then makes a very bold statement saying that he could pass the senior test without trying. He probably thinks he's still asleep. He's funny some times.

If Lane thinks it's hard then I can't imagine what it'll be like for us. Sometimes I wish I was as smart as Lane.

After we arrive at school we walk to our classes together and wish each other good luck on the test. 

Lane tells all of us to think positive and that if we don't know an answer to a question not to get too worked up over it and waste all our time.

I walk into math class and sit in my assigned seat. Sam gives me a reassuring smile and nods at me.

"You got this. It's like every test we've done in here combined into one. You'll do great! I know you will." He says to me

I didn't feel like talking right now so I gave a small smile. This morning felt weird... I feel weird too. 

I just want to get this test over with and then go home. 

At least I don't have to spend a whole four hours at karate. Usually that hearing that I'm going there would make me happy but today I just feel lazy and odd and I don't know why.

I didn't see Katie this morning so I didn't get to say happy birthday to her. After the test when I go to my next class I'll be able to say it.

I miss Cole. All my brothers, even Martin and Beck. I wonder what they're all doing right now.

Martin's probably still sleeping, Cole's probably taking care of him or at college, Lane's probably reading while he waits for his teacher to come in and give instructions, Beck and Kade are probably causing trouble in their classes, and Miles is probably talking to his friends.

I'm just here trying not to fall asleep. 

My parents are probably in their offices, signing a bunch of papers. I wonder if they know that Martin's sick or that we're having a very important test today. 

They didn't wish us good luck and they haven't called in three days.

When I was little I used to be scared when they didn't call every day but now -like the rest of my siblings- I'm used to it. Guess they're too busy for us. 

Maybe they'll come home more often when it's summer break.

I pulled out of my thoughts when the class went quiet and our math teacher, Mr. Wallace started talking. He handed us pencils and two pieces of paper before reading out the rules of the test. 

The only one I remember is no talking.

He doesn't have to worry about that, I don't plan on talking anytime soon.

"You will begin the test when I check everyone's computer to see if they're logged in. Make sure to do your very best."

When he's done checking everyone's computer he goes back to the front of the class and starts writing on the board. When he's done he looks back at the paper he's holding before looking back at us.

It felt like he made eye contact with every student before he said the words I'd been dreading all morning.

"You may begin the test."

My hands start to feel cold and sweaty. My eyes start to water and I bite my lip. I close my eyes and it helps calm my down.

When I open them I reach out my right hand. And with that shaky hand I slowly click the start button.

(A/N: Back to short, short chapters. I'm nervous for Hazel 😬. Hopefully she does well on the test. The next chapter will be the birthday chapter where Hazel is heading to Katie's birthday party. I think it's a good way for her to have fun and leave some of her stress for another day. Or maybe more will come from it😯. Who knows? Oh wait, I do of course but I won't tell🤭. Hope you liked the chapter, if you want you can vote, comment, share, and possibly follow........ just a suggestion.(◠‿◕) See you guys in next week's chapter.)

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