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I am very proud to confirm that I did in fact make it to Karate practice before John. I was already inside when he pulled into the driveway in his car. 

Since Ed and I were the only ones there, I convinced him to turn off all the lights so we could scare John when he walked in. It worked, When John opened the door, Ed jumped on his back which resulted in me hearing the most girlish, high pitched scream come from John's mouth. 

All practice I teased him about it much to his annoyance. It was nice to see that I had the upper hand this time.

I also reminded him that he no longer has the right to brag because I made it here before him. He retorted saying that it didn't matter because it was the weekend. 

"It still counts." I say

"No it doesn't." John says






"Gosh, you're annoying."

"And you're stupid."

"We're starting now, so if you guys don't mind will you put your argument off until after practice?" Ed says


We get up and follow Ed back to the smaller room we were in last time.

"We're not doing yoga again, are we?" John asks

"I thought you liked it. At the end of practice you even said that you wanted to open your own yoga place. Remember?" I say

"That was like yesterday, a whole 24 hours. I'm a changed man." John says

"No you're not." I say

"Yes I am." John says

"I don't see it." I shrug

"You wouldn't" He snaps

"Is that why you were later than me today. Because you changed?" I tease

"We are not arguing anymore. It's practice time." Ed says. He sounds like a teacher.

We walk in and we see a bunch of different equipment. "Sooo, we're not doing yoga today? John asks

Ed shake his head. "No. We're just working on strength."

"The one thing Hazel doesn't have. How she going to manage?" John mocks

"Last time we did this, I beat you in the push up competition." I defend myself

"That was because my muscles were sore from the day before." John says

"You're the only one who believes that lie." I say

"Okay. Let's start." Mia says

We end up using all of the equipment and then we head outside to run a mile. By the end of it most of us are sweaty and tired.

"Why couldn't we stay inside today?" John asks

"We haven't been doing a lot of the things we usually do in practice lately, I thought it would be good to get back on track since the competition date is getting closer and closer. If we want to win, we have to train harder. I know practice is already four hours long but we have to push ourselves if we even want a shot at the top spots." Ed says

"I hate this. There's no point, we always make it to the top." John says

"Things are different this year for many reasons. The people we're going up against are really good. Just because it's expected doesn't mean it's going to happen. If we don't work on our skills, we'll lose them." Ed says

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