Chapter 19: Death Harpy

Start from the beginning

"I know I never intended to kill myself, but something planted those suicidal thoughts in my mind. It happened so abruptly, I barely had time to realize it was manipulating me!" she murmured, shuddering as she replayed the encounter in her thoughts. She sat in silence, reflecting on the chilling impact it had left on her, a bone-deep coldness lingering within her.

"System, could you please give me some information on what exactly a Death Harpy is?" Aurianna inquired, her voice still carrying a tremor. The encounter had left an indelible mark, and she sought to understand the nature of this formidable entity.

[ A Death Harpy is an incredibly intelligent being known for driving those around it to commit suicide. These dark creatures thrive on the negative emotions of others, utilizing such emotions to manipulate their victims into taking their own lives. Possessing formidable combat and mental prowess, Death Harpies are known for their ability to control their enemies. They exhibit astonishing speed both on land and in the air, while also exerting influence over their immediate surroundings. Some Death Harpies can even assume a fully human form. Due to their immense threat, they are classified as Disaster Class Monsters, capable of driving hundreds of thousands of individuals to suicide. The highest recorded death toll caused by a single high-level Death Harpy stands at sixty million people, making them exceptionally dangerous entities.] As the system provided this explanation, an image of a Death Harpy materialized before Aurianna, emphasizing its ominous presence.

Aurianna couldn't help but shudder, her entire being affected by the chilling revelation of the Death Harpy's capabilities. Who could have fathomed that such a creature had the power to claim the lives of millions with just a gaze?

"So, is it possible to access the stats of the Death Harpy?" Aurianna clenched her teeth, determination etched on her face.

'I need to find a way to defeat that creature,' she thought resolutely.

[Your current level is too low to view the Death Harpy's stats.]

She let out a sigh of frustration. "Well, that's just great. Is there any way to defeat it?"

[With your current level, it is highly unlikely unless you possess the Death Master class.]

"I suppose I'll have to do my best to avoid it at all costs and focus on completing my quest," Aurianna muttered to herself as she rose to her feet, ready to resume her search for the next Goigler to kill.


As Aurianna continued her exploration, she stumbled upon a previously uncharted region. Taking in a deep breath, she was taken aback by the sight that unfolded before her. "How beautiful," she whispered in awe. The landscape comprised majestic peaks, numerous canyons, and a meandering stream of crystal-clear blue water. Yet, everything was enveloped in a thick blanket of pristine white snow.

Eager to descend and immerse herself in the serene environment, Aurianna began carefully making her way down the slope. However, in a momentary misstep, her foot slipped, and she tumbled down, crashing into the soft snow below.

[ You've entered the Frost Domain. ]

"Brrr, it's freezing!" Aurianna muttered, her breath visible in the chilly air. She begun to quickly rub her hands together in a feeble attempt to generate some warmth. She hoped and prayed for even a hint of respite from the bone-chilling cold.

[ -2 HP deducted by frost ]

"What? Are you kidding me?" Aurianna exclaimed in disbelief as she felt an unfamiliar sensation in her hands. She glanced down and gasped as she saw her feet rapidly turning into ice. Panic surged through her veins.

"Oh, fuck!" she cursed, attempting to climb back up the slippery slope but finding little success. Frustration gripped her as she realized her predicament.

In the distance, Aurianna spotted a Goigler, its silvery body blending with the snowy landscape as it locked eyes with her. Knowing she had been spotted, Aurianna swiftly retrieved two guns, using them to anchor herself and gain leverage against the slippery slope. She ascended without looking back, hoping to evaded the creature.

A sigh of relief escaped her lips as she believed she had successfully evaded the relentless beast.

"Now I just need to get out of here... aacckk!" Aurianna suddenly coughed up blood, her hand instinctively reaching towards her abdomen. To her horror she discovered an icicle protruding from her flesh. The light in her eyes dimmed as she toppled backward, descending once again into the icy grasp of the Frost Domain.

With a gradual return to consciousness, Aurianna slowly opened her eyes, only to find herself face-to-face with the Goigler once more. In a swift and merciless strike, it severed her head.

[ You were killed by a level 40 Goigler. ]

"Damn it, a level 40? What kind of breed is this?" Aurianna cursed, wincing in pain as she gingerly rubbed her throbbing head. She realized that she had been transported back to the land before the Frost Domain. She sighed filled with frustration and disappointment at her untimely demise.

"Most level 40 beasts I fought with the knights were much weaker. And they didn't even show signs of such high intelligence," Aurianna remarked, a mix of intrigue and excitement painting her expression.

"These Goiglers are becoming more and more interesting to fight," she continued, a mischievous grin spreading across her face. The challenges they presented only fueled her determination further.

With a deliberate stomp of her foot on the ground, Aurianna invoked her Earth magic, causing a tent-like structure made of stone to rise up, towering above her small frame. Satisfied with her new shelter she mused, "Ah, the Earth magic I learned from the Goigler proves to be quite convenient," a sense of satisfaction emanating from her. She raised her hand, and the stone covering the entrance obediently shifted, granting her access and once she entered in closed up.

Taking a moment to compose herself, Aurianna clasped her hands together, a serene expression gracing her features. Slowly, she opened her hands, and a radiant ball of white light materialized before her.

"Lutter, Lutter," the adorable ball of light chimed, its gentle glow illuminating the surroundings as it floated and danced with apparent delight.

"To think I could still create lutter," Aurianna murmured, a genuine smile tugging at her lips. She settled down, lying on the ground within her stone sanctuary, finding solace in the presence of the playful light orb.

As sleep gradually claimed her, the ball of light continued its enchanting dance, its ethereal presence providing a glimmer of comfort in the midst of Aurianna's arduous journey through the hellish realm.

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