Miss raised a brow. ".. You do," She added. "and you know how I feel about 'ma'am', Parker."

"I do— to both of those statements.." Simon adjusted the sleeves of his coat before he whispered something to Miss Roselyn that I couldn't hear.

She then nodded, "My office it is."

. . .

".. Heard you're little brother was in town."

An elevator ride with Simon and Miss Roselyn was the last thing I expected going into work this morning.
It was silent most of the ride until now when Simon tried to start up conversation. The two knew each other— I learned that the day of my interview, but clearly Miss Roselyn didn't care that much for Simon.

At least that's how she acted in front of me.

"You hear everything, Parker." Miss Roselyn scoffed sarcastically.

And the awkwardness in the elevator wasn't any better for me since I was right in the middle— Miss Roselyn on my right and Simon on my left.

"I still haven't met the guy," Simon murmured— fixing his hair in the mirror on the elevator walls. ".. Dominic, ya met him?"

I said, "I have."

"Now that's just unfair, Roselyn," He frowned— looking past me at Miss Roselyn who wasn't even giving him a glance. ".. the kid's known ya for what? A month. And he's met your baby brother, but I've known ya since this company of yours became a hotshot."

"It wasn't my choice. Dominic's my bodyguard— he's with me practically all day," Miss Roselyn corrected unamused. ".. him meeting JJ was bound to happen— especially after that article got leaked."

So they've known each other that long— that was long enough for him to have met her first bodyguard or have known of him.

"How old is JJ again?" Simon asked while he fumbled with his phone.

"Just turned thirty." Miss Roselyn answered.

"Damn." Simon whistled and I looked over at him. He was scrolling through Twitter— countless videos and tweets about and of Jeremiah clubbing.

"You're thirty-two so don't even." She sighed.

"I only said that 'cause I didn't think we were that close in age," He murmured. ".. so y'know.. how does he feel about men—"

God.. Simon had no shame.

"— JJ is straight 'nd very much has his eyes on someone," Miss Roselyn replied; now she was looking at Simon. ".. 'nd even if he wasn't just the thought you both like that— just no."

"I'm just teasing ya, Roselyn— he's not my type." Simon snickered as he slid his phone in his back pocket.

A 'ding' filled the elevator— the two doors sliding apart.

"You don't get to tease me, Parker." Miss Roselyn huffed— stepping out of the elevator without missing a beat.

I glanced over at Simon before we both stepped out as well. She walked ahead of us past the cubicles; not even caring if we caught up to her or not.
That was new— at least for me, Miss Roselyn and I were at each others side practically everyday.

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