One of the guards present in the room, who had accompanied General Huns, cautiously raised his hands in a pleading gesture. "Your majesty, I implore you to calm yourself. I firmly believe that Russell's actions were driven by a sincere desire to safeguard the welfare of our people. The Saintess has proven to be a threat to your reign and the stability of our country."

Upon hearing these words, King Girsal slowly raised his own hands, causing the knights who had restrained Russell to come to a halt. With his hand resting against his chin, he commanded, "Continue."

The guard seized the opportunity to expand upon his previous statement, speaking with unwavering resolve. "I reiterate, sire, that while Russell's actions may have overstepped certain boundaries, they were undertaken out of necessity to acquire vital information."

Another guard, distinguished by his more elaborate armor, rose and offered a deep bow. "Your majesty, I must respectfully disagree with him and everyone's behavior. The Saintess has not posed any threat to the country. Thus far, we have only heard baseless accusations without any substantial evidence. Moreover, she has saved numerous lives and maintained harmonious relations with the other races, playing a crucial role in preserving the country's equilibrium."

Aurianna's heart skipped a beat upon recognizing the voice. It belonged to her personal knight, a steadfast companion who had always been by her side. He had embarked on an extended journey four weeks prior, around the same time she and the heroes confronted the Demon King. In the midst of this adversarial situation, it was heartening to know that he remained steadfast in his support.

General Huns interjected hastily, his words pouring forth with urgency. "With her captivating appearance, she has ensnared her own brother and the heroes. Who's to say she cannot sway the entire population, inciting them to turn against you?" The general's rapid speech prevented Aurianna's loyal personal guard from fully conveying his plea, the words barely registering in the King's mind, to make an impact.

The King placed his hand against his chin, deep in contemplation. "I understand," he murmured, his expression revealing a complex mix of thoughts as he pondered the contrasting perspectives presented before him.

A heavy, tension-laden silence enveloped the room, the collective anticipation palpable as all present awaited the King's verdict or even a glimpse into his thoughts. Aurianna's palms grew damp with sweat, her heart pounding in her chest. The oppressive stillness threatened to unravel her composure.

Finally, the King broke the silence, his voice carrying a weight of authority. "Saintess, do you confess to colluding with the demons against Sandeph?"

Aurianna's voice quivered as she responded, her words carrying a mixture of determination and vulnerability. "I... I do not confess... I would never betray this country." Despite the ordeal she had endured, a flicker of hope burned within her, an ardent desire for her words to be believed.

She continued, her voice strained and hoarse, each word a testament to her resilience. "I had always loved, cared for, and desired nothing more than to protect our people. The well-being of this country was my utmost priority."

As she finished speaking, Aurianna couldn't suppress a painful choke, her throat raw from the torment she had endured. Waves of agony still coursed through her battered body, a stark reminder of the brutality she had suffered.

General Huns growled with accusatory frustration. "Still denying!"

Gritting her teeth, Aurianna met his gaze, her eyes ablaze with defiance. "I would never betray this kingdom. But even if, hypothetically, I had... what would I have gained? I already possessed power and wealth within these walls. Conspiring with demons would have not only jeopardized my position but also put everything I have built at risk."

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