"He'll be back." I tell Nik and Rebekah, brushing off his exit.

   "Will he?" Rebekah doubts, following him out.

   "I hope so." I sigh.


   "I know you're mad at me and I get it." I sigh, as Nik pours a drink in the study. "But, you can't just expect me to let you die."

    "I've been alive over a thousand years. More than enough time." Nik states. "So, yes, I expected you to."

   "And out of all those lifetimes, you've spent four years tops with the girls." I point out. "Out of sixteen. That's not enough."

   "No, it isn't." He agrees. "But, saving their lives is more important than anything else."

   "I agree. I just didn't want to watch them miss you again." I explain. "I've done that, twice, already. And I can't let them watch me fall apart if you had died. I wouldn't be much use to them."

   "And what did you think would have happened if you died? That we'd pour a drink and toast to your short life, before shrugging if off?" Nik exclaims.

   "Well, no--" I go to say.

   "Damn right, no. The twins would be inconsolable and I'd probably make my way through city, after city, and leave a trail of blood behind me." He states and I flinch.

   I shake my head. "You wouldn't. You'd be there for the twins and help them understand."

   "How could I help them understand something I wouldn't even understand myself?"

   "You serious don't get why I'd sacrifice myself for you?" I scoff, walking closer to him. "Have you not been paying attention the last sixteen years?"

   Nik sighs, defeatedly. "Elijah shouldn't be the one to suffer the consequences."

   "That we can agree on." I nod. "We need to find a way to fix it and save him."

    "That might be a problem." Marcel states, walking into the room. "Elijah left. The twins went looking for him. I don't think they should do that alone."

   "Go." I tell Nik. "Find your brother and bring him back. I'll talk to Freya." He nods and leads Marcel out of the Compound.


   I called Freya and told her that Elijah left and that we need to find him. So, she told me to meet her at the bell tower. I walk through the door to see her looking at a map.

   "It's as if he's everywhere and nowhere at the same time." Freya says without looking up at me. "There's death all around him."

   "This is ridiculous." I mutter. "He should have let me take the power, instead of shoving me out of the way."

   "I'll look for a spell to ease his pain." Freya comments.

   "But first we have to find him." I tell her.

   "This isn't your fault, Kelsey." Freya reassures me.

   "I was just trying to stop Nik from dying, I never wanted Elijah to sacrifice himself." I explain. "I know I've had my problems with Elijah, but he's still my family. And he's Nik's rock. He can't die like this. Help me stop it."

   Freya's candles burn brighter and our focus goes back to her map. "He's in the Quarter. The dark magic is all around him." She point to the street he's on. I quickly text Nik and tell him where to go.

Shielding The Innocent: Niklaus MikaelsonOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant