Ch. 69 β - A Complete Seduction [Lemon Oneshot]

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"And KO! That's my win! Three times in a row." Y/N was celebrating.

"Sigh, this is definitely not my day..." Yotsuba sighed, putting down the controller.

The two were spending the evening at the boy's place, fooling around with videogames.

"Seriously, here I thought you'd give me harder time. Look at the scoreboard! 398222 against 298547. This is by far my largest victory." Y/N was acting smug.

"Well, it's not my fault. It's difficult to keep the pace with someone who plays 24/7..." The girl mocked, giving him a pout.

"Anyway, let's have dinner. Since I've lost I'll be the one in charge of cooking." Yotsuba got up, all fired up.

"Oh, that's truly a first. Be my guest..." Y/N agreed, surprised by the girl's reaction.




"That's so good!!!" Y/N was crying out, enjoying the homemade cooking.

"I'm glad it's to your liking." Yotsuba smiled to him.

"Liking? No, no no! Not simple like, this is truly amazing! Never thought you'd be so skilled... guess as much as your less popular yet annoying sister." Y/N let out a laugh.

"Oh, please. Don't tease her too much..." Yotsuba was keeping her smile, a bit odd for her usual self.

"You cretin! Haven't you realized it yet? I'm Nino!" The disguised quint was biting her lip in order to keep the act together.

"Sigh, Yotsuba was busy with the basketball team so she asked me to trade places in order to not disappoint this idiot." The second sister recalled the favour she was obliged to.

"If cooking is no more her defining trait what is she good for? I fear she'll gradually turn into a minor character this way. Oh, well... whatever. We'll keep up the story without her one way or another." Y/N shrugged.

"Grr, acting so casually while badmouthing me. Unforgivable!" Nino was having enough.

"My original plan was to reveal myself all of a sudden and prank him a lot... but I've got a better idea." The girl smirked, an evil scheme up her mind.

"Hey, since we're all alone... shall we do something naughty?" 'Yotsuba' proposed, leaning towards the boy in order to highlight her cleavage.


Y/N let go of his bowl in surprise, smashing the plate on the ground.

"Eh?! E-Eh?!!!!" He was processing the thing.

"Ah, look how embarrassed this jerk is! He's such..." Nino was delighted by her success.

"Sure, with pleasure!" To her disbelief the boy accepted the proposal, leaving his seat in order to get closer the girl.

"Yotsuba-chan... so, tonight you're the dessert." He unleashed a storm of kisses, starting from her hand and following up along the arm.

"Erm, it was a way of saying... of course I'm not - Eeek!!!" Nino realized her plan could backfire as soon as Y/N gave her a love bite.

"You're kidding, right?!" She wasn't able to shrug him off.

"Yotsuba-chan, I'm truly happy. Asking me so directly, it must be a first! Other times it was me who had to beg you..." Y/N smiled.

"O-Other times?!" Nino jawdropped.

"To be fair, it's sooner than usual... Oh, well. Not that I'm complaining. [UNZIP]" Y/N took his dick out.

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