Ch. 37 - Rime of the Ancient Order

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"Ugh! That's heavy!!!" Fuutarou was trying to lift a bag of flour.

"It's only one, a man should be able to carry that much with no problem..." Nino scolded him.

"Pathetic. I refuse to even help." Y/N facepalmed.

"Sorry if I'm only a commoner! Not everyone is a superhuman able to lift trucks with ease. I've my limits regarding heavy objects." The student replied their mockery.

"I can carry it if you're troubled!" Yotsuba lifted the pack singlehandy.

"That's our girl! You're truly a force of nature." Y/N congratulated her.

"And to be honest... 10kgs are not classified as 'Heavy'." He was still blaming his friend.

"Enough chit-chat! We've still a lot to buy. You boys, go looking for fresh vegetables. We'll head to the cash in the meantime." Nino was commanding the group entrusted with shopping duties.

"And this is Miku's request..." She filled the shopping cart with chocolate.

"Isn't it too much?" Fuutarou asked tactlessly.

"It's only January but she's truly serious about Valen-" Yotsuba was explaining, being distracted by some sweets on the nearby shelf.

"You're really dense, she needs this due an upcoming event." Nino was smiling.

"Whoa! Preparing this more that a month earlier... She's really on it." Y/N realized their talks.

"Ah, wait a minute. I need to use the washroom!" Yotsuba gave the pack of floor to Nino, dashing away due certain urges.

"What?! That's really heavy!" The girl was about to trip in surprise, bending due the weight.

"See? It can be dangerous." Fuutarou firmly grabbed Nino, preventing her fall.

"Well, she's strong but an airhead too..." Y/N was looking the sister running away.

"Better go checking out. All of this food's gonna be expensive." The student was helping the girl carrying the heavy bag.

"Right... And you! At least help us, useless ripped idiot!" Nino was scolding the hero, quietly following them with the cart.

"Ha ha ha, you've a point but it can't be helped... You look like newlywed. How cute!" Y/N was teasing the two.

"Be of use sometimes apart from fighting! Don't you see Nino's face is red due the effort? It's too much for her!" Fuutarou misunderstood the girl's embarrassment.

"I don't think so, she went red because I compared her to your bride." Y/N was smirking, earning a kick from the second sister.

"Quit fooling and help us!!!" She yelled towards him.

"Aye, aye miss... But you're really bad tempered." The hero eventually took the bag, putting all together into the shopping cart.

"Wait a moment, what's up with all those snacks? Y/N, we can't waste money this way!" Fuutarou spotted lots of sweets beneath the food they took.

"Hey, it's not my fault!" The hero defended.

"It must be my sister. Geez, she's really like a child." Nino huffed.

"So, she loves eating all this crap and still has that figure without even gaining weight?I'm truly envious!" Y/N was pondering.

"Yotsuba is just like a kid, doesn't she realize she's almost an adult?" Fuutarou was explaining, removing from the grocery the useless things.

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