Ch. 51 - Preparation for Kyoto

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"It's all back to normal, at last..." Fuutarou was pondering in front of the Quintuplets' home.

"Uesugi-kun... What are you doing out there?" Itsuki met him while back from errands.

"I just talked to your father. Seems like I'm officially reinstated as a tutor." The boy reported the meeting he just had.

"Congratulations! The others will be so happy to hear that." Itsuki was on cloud nine at the news, inviting the boy inside the place.

"Welcome, Uesugi-san" Yotsuba was the first to greet him.

"You're finally here!" Ichika clapped hands.

"So late! What happened?" Nino harshly complained.

"I was talking with... nevermind. What's going on here?" The boy asked as cardboard boxes were scattered all around.

"Now that things have settled we're doing a big cleanup." Yotsuba explained while moving a box to another room.

"We? It doesn't look like this to me..." Y/N commented as he was carrying a washing-machine on his back all around the place.

"Quit complaining, it goes in that corner." Nino ordered him.

"Grrr... I offered help but this is unfair!" The hero protested.

"Now move the fridge. Quickly!" Nino ignored his complains.

"As you command, my Queen." Y/N wasn't strong enough to oppose such enemy.

"I see... seems like we can't do proper studying for today. Guess I'll return home." Fuutarou realized the girls' focus was rock bottom.

"What!? Already? At least stay a little longer... we could talk about the upcoming Kyoto trip. Have you decided on what to do?" Itsuki was trying to change his mind.

"I don't really care... nor I've received instructions from the teacher yet. Guess me and Y/N will hang around together and visit a couple shrines, as usual." Fuutarou guessed.

"That's gonna be tough... I have to work all week." Y/N revealed.

"What do you mean? You won't be part of the three days field trip? That'd be a shame..." Yotsuba interjected.

"Sad but true, I can't stay idle for all this time and carelessly go on a trip. I'll spend these few days hunting monsters and bad guys." The boy explained.

"No way... If you want I'll skip the trip too and stay here with you." Itsuki proposed.

"Sounds good, you'll be of great help fighting alongside me against Mysterious Beings... Of course not! You must go with your sisters and enjoy Kyoto all together. That's mandatory!" Y/N ordered her.

"Still, it wouldn't be the same without you..." Ichika sighed.

"No big deal, we can still visit the place on our own another time." Y/N suggested to ease the mood.

"I'll bring back a present for you if you'd like." Miku comforted him.

"Alright... seems like you enjoyed your break too much. Now move that closet." Nino cut out.

"This croissant is my best preparation. How is it?" Miku invited Yotsuba and Y/N at her workplace for a review.

"It's edible... so the one I tasted before wasn't an hallucination." The fourth sister commented.

"How does it taste? Miku-chan worked on the recipe all night." The bakery's manager asked the hero.

"Whaa, it's truly delicious! For real... I'm so happy of being able to eat something so yummy." Y/N was in tears.

"That's quite the overreaction!" The women were worried.

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