Ch. 74 - One and a Half Man, Hibiki the Soul Bearer

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"I think I need a recap about your current situation..." Hibiki asked Y/N.

"Well, let's start from the beginning. I was minding my own business when I took on a request about a rampaging monster." The hero began to narrate.

"I jumped on him just before he could harm a cute girl. She was so scared! That's how I met Miku." Y/N was recalling.

"Too much of a recap! What happened you after the battle with the Heaven Pillar?" Hibiki cut it short.

"I don't recall it very clearly... I was ready to accept my fate and pass away when a mysterious light blinded me with its brightness." Y/N explained.

"I think I've heard a woman's voice saying it wasn't my time yet. She spared me from certain death cause I had a promise to keep." The hero vaguely recalled.

"Could it be... one of the souls trapped by Griff saved you once free from its abductor? Amidst his victims there was someone related you?" Hibiki asked.

"Now that you mention... yes, it's the only possible way." Y/N thanked Rena's last wish.

"After that flash I awoke in my current state, floating up in the sky in an unknown place." He detailed.

"That's when we met, you descended upon me while I was hanging around after a night out." Hibiki was pondering.

"You were the only compatible one, if you were to turn me back I'd have vanished for good." Y/N sighed in relief.

"Well, you're the hero who saved this country countless times. Doing something for you this one is a must!" Hibiki was laughing.

"Honestly, I still find it hard to believe myself. I'm housing Red Eagle's ghost!" The boy admitted proudly.

"I'm not a ghost, not yet! I've only got split from my physical body. You are looking at my wandering soul, my very spiritual essence. I blend with you in order to survive in my current state. And since I'm attached to you with my spirit, always at your side, I'll stand next to you for the time being. You can call me a 「STAND」" Y/N announced.

"I won't! Cut with such bullshit. I've enough of those JoJo references!" Hibiki firmly refused.

"Nevermind... what's the plan to retrieve my body?" Y/N asked.

"Uh? Shouldn't you be the one thinking about this?" Hibiki was surprised by the soul's lax attitude.

"Figures... not even half-death can spare me such chores." Y/N huffed.

Neo Heroes HQ

"Attention to all staff! From now until completion of operation Robocop all security has been tightened. No trespassing on key areas without proper identification." A message was repeating from speakers.

"We had received news those scums from Hero Association will try to steal our Y/N." A Neo Heroes Officer was instructing his underlings.

"I've assigned one of our strongest and most trusted Neo Leader to its protection." He presented his trump card.

"Boss, don't you worry. I owe Y/N a lot, there is no way I'll allow something bad happens to him." Suiryu, the Martial Arts Champion swore.

"Glad to hear. Scouting you was truly the best choice." The officer felt safe.

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