Ch. 66 - The Call of the Loved Ones

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"So, it's about to begin... I'm a bit excited cause this is my first event." A Comiket Employee was tidying up the materials.

"A busy day lays ahead. But do not worry, brace yourself and we'll enjoy this as much as our customers." His older workmate pat him on the back.

"Speak of the devil, here they come!" The two welcomed the very first guests.

"Welcome dear fans... How can I help you?" He offered help to the couple.

"Good morning! Where is the Seinen section?" A girl with a green ribbon politely asked.

"That way on the right, two stands away." They instructed.

"And your friend? What are you looking for?" The employee asked her partner.

"Actually, I'm more into Shoujo and moe stuff..." The boy revealed, turning red.

"Well, nothing to be ashamed for. I'm sure you'll find nice and cute series, up down the other hallway." The staff pointed out.

"Alright, but my friend already left in a rush. So, better exploit this opportunity since she's not here... Where is the hentai section? Asking for a friend." He questioned.

"Y/N!!!" Yotsuba scolded him from the distance.

"Let's see if I can find the volumes I'm missing." Yotsuba was searching all around the shelves.

"Just my suggestion, don't keep on reading Berserk. I know it's good but..." Y/N warned.

"Why? I've just reached this arc called Eclipse, I'm so hyped to see what's going to happen! I bet Guts, Casca and Griffith will sort things out and get closer to each other." She was assuming.

"The problem is how much they get closer! Stop there, you're too young for such things!" The boy insisted.

"Found it! So, Guts reached his friend atop the God Hand." Yotsuba began to read.

"In front of him Griffith whispered: 'I sacrifice.'!" She was reaching the climax of the event.

"Enough! Chomp chomp chomp!" Y/N snatched the manga from her hands, tearing apart the last pages before eating them.

"What have you done?!" Yotsuba was speechless.

"After that, Griffith heals his body and returns to her beloved princess Charlotte. Meanwhile Guts and Casca flee with their starship and get married on the Moon. THE END." He spoiled the ending on the spur of the moment.

"For real! What about the Band of the Falcon?" The girl wasn't buying it.

"I said THE END!!!" Y/N shouted aloud.

"Is that so? What a beautiful story! But, be sure to compensate the seller for the book you just ruined." Eventually she accepted the made out finale.

"Sure, let's search for something else while we're here..." Y/N apologized.

"Man, that was easier to ingest compared to the Blu-ray!" He was starting to fell a stomachache.

"Oh, what is this?" Yotsuba was attracted by another work.

"I've heard of it, a newly announced manga. Ranger Reject's the name. Let's see..." Y/N was checking too.

"Looks cool! The author knows how to draw cute girls." He commented.

"You're right. Still, this art-style kinda reminds me of something..." The Quintuplet was puzzled.

"How was the day? Did you find everything you needed?" Yotsuba was walking home alongside the hero.

"Kinda of." Y/N showed her a bag full of manga.

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