Ch. 56 - Y/N and the Most Important Quest

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"Have you heard? A lone hero invaded our base in order to save the hostage." A low-tier monster was discussing while on patrol with his pal.

"How was he able to sneak past Nyan-san? He must have been lucky... there is no way a low-class hero could defeat a cadre one-on-one." The other affirmed.

"You know what? Let's search for him. If we kill that moron Lord Gyoro-Gyoro will generously reward us." The first one claimed.

"Let's do it! Together we'll - ARGH!!!" The two were splatted by a collapsing wall.

"Hope this is the right way." Y/N stomped on their remains, looking around.

"It's not that hard if I think about this... The cat said Yotsuba is deeper, so I only have to move downstairs!" He realized as a light went on in his head.

"He he he... that human will arrive soon. We'll welcome him heartily." A monster squad-leader was taking position, having arranged his team to ambush Y/N as soon as he descended stairs.


They froze in surprise on hearing the nearby elevator opening behind them.

"Someone needs a ride? Be quick cause I have no time to spare." Y/N asked, bothered by the delay.

"Kill him, all together!" The leader ordered, charging towards him alongside his minions.

"Sorry, I'm not in the mood for playing along... I'm in quite a rush so, get lost at once!" Y/N annihilated the enemy force with a powerful ki-blast, amplified by bouncing around the narrow hallway.

"Still going down... ♪♪♪♪" The hero began to sing while resuming his descending.


"Is this thing working properly? That's not the right floor neither." As the doors opened Y/N peeked outside.

"GRRR....!" He was welcomed by four growling legs contracted in rage, droll falling from what was supposed to be the ceiling.

"What on earth is...?" The hero raised head, finding himself facing a colossal monsterized dog.

"Hello, good doggo..." Y/N was trying to get along with the animal.

In reply the Mysterious Being shot him with a point-blank energy blast

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In reply the Mysterious Being shot him with a point-blank energy blast.

"He isn't answering my calls..." Child Emperor was trying to contact the runaway hero.

"That idiot blow up the plan. Now we have to look for him in addition the hostage." Sweet Mask was upset.

"I think I figured out his behaviour. The hostage was a friend of Y/N so he went all out in order to save the girl as soon as possible." Zombieman explained.

"That's not a valid reason to ignore orders. We have to make contact with Red Eagle and let him enlight us on the enemy's situation. Time is running low." Sekingar was adjusting the strategy devised.

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