Ch. 39 - The Last Exam, Y/N's side (Act 2). Cloudbreaker Sunshine

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Late February.

"We've only one month before the exam, make sure to pay attention. In this part rather than assuming the author's line of thought you must answer with your very own feeling, write what you feel as a reader." Fuutarou was teaching Japanese.

"Right! For example, erm..." Y/N stuttered.

"Hmm... How did I feel?" Miku was struggling with the problem, like all the others.

"We're in trouble, seems I've reach a wall... It was to be expected as I can't figure out their own feelings, nor I don't know how to teach them the way of expressing themselves. I can't ask Y/N to cover my back neither, the two of us lack the know-how of a real teacher." Fuutarou realized the issue.

"Damn, the deviation in our IQ is just too high!" The boy thought on a proper explanation.

"Hey, I bet you're thinking of something rude!" Nino felt offended by a mere look.

"Well, this test is not too hard... but I've reached my limit. How about a break?" Ichika yawned.

"Indeed, we've studied so much for multiple days..." Itsuki was tired alike.

"I can keep going!" Yotsuba was valiantly memorizing page after page.

"Sigh, we're so close our target, only a little push." The tutor was browsing a book he recently bought.

"Seems that a carrot is necessary at times..." He realized.

"We're running out of time, but it can't be helped. Let's have a break for today. We'll resume our studies tomorrow." Fuutarou claimed.

"Really? That's great!" The girls regained some spirit.

"Phew, having some free time is a welcome news. I want to stay home and play videogames till dawn!" Y/N was over the moon.

"That's so boring... and unhealthy. Why don't we hang out all together?" Ichika retorted, giving him a scold.

"If so, where can we go?" Miku asked to her.

"Uhm, how about the amusement park? It's not too far and I heard it's a nice place to have fun." The oldest sister proposed.

"Do as you please, I'll spend this time preparing notes and mock tests." Fuutarou was always focused on work.

"Oh, you'll come with us! It's a teacher's duty to look after his students during school trips." Ichika smiled.

"B-But I'm too busy to..." The tutor was unsuccessfully protesting.

"It's no use. I've already given up on my schedule, better accept it as well." Y/N was comforting him.

A couple hours later.

"A group of seven, please." The hero bought tickets from the entrance's stall.

"So, are you all ready? Just for today you must focus only on having fun. Don't hold back and go wild!" He spoke to the girls.

"This goes for you too, my dear tutor." Y/N winked towards Fuutarou.

"That's not fair! You paid the train and the entrance too... At least let me refund my part." The boy was protesting, looking into his wallet.

"Rejected! Those money will go into Raiha's college savings." He enforced his decision.

"How commendable. You'll treat us for lunch as well?" Nino was mocking him.

"Well, that would be a problem... I'm not sure on the food budget." The hero confessed, looking at the youngest sister.

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