Ch. 71 - Five Stages of Grief

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Three days have elapsed since the Hero Y/N's passing.

We're in Central Japan.

Specifically Tokai region.

"Yotsuba, we're back..." Fuutarou entered the Quint's apartment, leading the other four sisters. They were all dressed completely in black.

"Honestly, you should have come too. We bid him farewell one last time." Miku was wiping tears.

"I couldn't, I'm too busy!" The fourth sister was frantically checking tons of newspapers.

"He must have hidden a code somewhere in the news, a secret message for us. There must be a proper explanation for his sudden absence. I bet he's out on a secret mission and can't communicate." Yotsuba had yet to accept the situation.

"If I search thoroughly I'll crack the code." She insisted.


Everyone got scared as soon as Nino slammed hand on the table.

"Are you kidding me?! How stupid can you be? Y/N is dead! That bastard threw away his life for his useless ideals of justice!" She yelled at her.

"He didn't think of us... he never had. Just forget about him, you'll live better afterwards." Tears betrayed her tough act.

"N-Nino, please tone it down." Miku was trying to calm her.

"The service was long and exhausting. We're all tired..." Ichika hugged the second sister.

"Whatever... what do you want for dinner?" Nino was reaching the fridge.

"I'm not hungry. I think I'll pass." Itsuki took her way to the bedroom.

"There is no way I can eat something after all that happened. I'm out too." Ichika was following her.

"Well, less work to do." Nino went upstairs alike.

"Fuutarou. Could you stay over for the night?" Miku asked.

"Fine, I'll lay on the sofa. Just let me warn my family." The boy sent a brief text.

"I'm so tired I don't even have the strength to wear something more comfy..." He collapsed on the couch.

As the night was making its way the place sank into a quiet yet heavy silence.

"I hate you!" Nino thought while ripping off a poster from her bedroom.

"All that time spent together... yet you trashed everything due your ego. Here is your reward." She tossed the crumbled photo of Red Eagle into the trash bin, together with the phone cover she received the day they met.

"If I'd never met you I wouldn't be in such state." Nino was cursing.

"Hope you'll leave my heart as fast as you burst in..." She was grinning teeth.

"Please come back!" The girl eventually fell asleep.

"If only I had listened Nino when those two left for their date. Maybe acting sooner would have meant..." Miku was recalling that terrible night.

"He was luring his enemy in a trap, a plan far too dangerous even for him." She cannot stop blaming herself.

"I've always taken him for granted. If I had learnt more about Y/N maybe I could have caught signals of his worries." The girl hid face under blankets.

"He was the first to ever confess his love to me. In reply I gave him nothing but a cold shoulder." Miku was crying, dampening her sobbing on the pillow.

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