Ch. 21 - Field Trip, Day 2000

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School Camp, Bonfire Closing Ceremony.

"I-I'm sorry... I ran here as soon as I heard about him." Y/N stated in a depressed tone, the plan to leave Fuutarou dealing with the girls was a failure. His friend caught a strong flu and was resting alone in a private bedroom.

All the sisters felt guilty for this accident, they didn't notice the tutor's weakness nor his strange behaviour of the past days.

"How do you feel? Have you enjoyed skiing?" Y/N teased Fuutarou while entering his room, he got teachers' permission to look after him.

"Cough... It was horrible! Cough... And the worst is that I still have to solve the dance problem!" He tried to get up, he needed to inform at least Nino about his "cousin" Kintarou, he couldn't attend their date at the bonfire.

"Leave it to me... I left you for a stupid contest! I have to make it up." Y/N stated while preparing some herbal tea for his friend.

"Right... About your fishing contest. How did it go?" Fuutarou asked in a glimpse of lucid.

"... It went smooth! I caught the biggest creatures of the lake! I'm afraid I'm too good for a simple school contest." He lied, twisting the story of his adventure while serving him the preparation.

"Urgh... What's that? Cough. It's terrible!" Fuutarou drank the tea prepared by Y/N, very bitter and smelly.

"Those are herbal medicines, together with my soothing ki they'll speed up your recovery. I guarantee that you'll feel better in a couple days!" Y/N explained while touching his friend's forehead and preparing other medicines.

"Cough... I won't survive the night with this stuff!" Fuutarou looked with concern at the mix, another glass of tea was ready.

"At least be grateful... I don't have suppositories with me!" The hero joked, leaving the room to fulfil his duty.

The Quints were scattered around the celebrating camp, each one with her own thoughts and too gloomy to enjoy the party.

"Guess I have some work to do..." Y/N sighed, planning to cheer them up.

"So... you really know Kintarou?" Nino asked, Y/N informed the girl about her partner absence.

"Y-Yes, he's a distant cousin of Fuutarou... He got important business to do and returned home in a hurry this evening." Y/N lied, his friend cannot attend the date dressed up.

"He was really him on the slope... maybe he hate me and my persistence." Nino was depressed, she was really eager to dance with her saviour.

"I don't think so... I bet he is devastated for not attending the bonfire dance with you!" He tried to cheer her up.

"R-Really?" Nino was embarrassed by his speech, a new feeling of trust was raising towards the man that pissed her off so often.

"Of course! If I was him I would smash my head into a wall and..." He stopped at the sight of a girl looking around for someone in the crowd, she was one of his "partners" searching for him.

"I-I need to go! I'm sorry Nino... I can't be your rebound for the bonfire! I'm too amazing to be the second choice! Ask someone else..." Y/N ran away, avoiding to be spotted by the other girl.

He also tried to act like a tomboy with Nino, embarrassing her in front of her friends and the near students.

All the girl's good thoughts for him were wiped out in an instant, replaced by anger and frustration.

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