Ch. 54 - Pillars' War, Third Battle

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"Sigh, I bet Course E was more interesting..." A group of girls were following the tourist path, reading pamphlets and signals along the way.

"You bet, but I must improve my Social Studies score so I really need to learn as much as possible during this trip." Yamada, one of Nino's friend, was leading the way since she had been chosen as leader by the others.

"Is there something else other than graves? It's getting creepy." Tsubaki, a classmate of Y/N and the main cast, huffed.

"At least this place is quiet, no signs of other people here. Nino would get bored with us." Otori, another one of Nino's chatting group, commented as she was hanging around with her usual friends minus the busy quint.


As said the girls witnessed Y/N fall on the main road, crashing over the stony flooring.

"Gwa..." The hero was laying down, feeling the whiplash.

"W-What happened? Why Y/N just fall from the upper path?" Otori got scared.

"Argh!!!" A moment later the man was invested by strong and painful convulsions.

"He's suffering! Y/N needs immediate help." Yamada approached in order to rescue him.

"Something's off... Wait, don't touch him!" Tsubaki, the side-tail girl, prevented her friend from getting closer.


High concentrated electricity was suddenly discharged in the ground, being dispelled.

"Huff, huff... His attacks are such a pain." The hero got up, freed from lightnings binding his body.

"Y/N, what happened? You were shaking so hard that we got worried." The girls questioned.

"Nothing to concern of, but I suggest you three to flee. Just in case..." Y/N didn't want to endanger spectators, making them leaving at once.

"So you flew all the way down here. Ha ha ha!" Kei reached him just after.

"We are far from any monument of worth. Now we can fight to our heart's content." Y/N cracked knuckles.

"That will be quick, you're already...!" Kei ducked the hero's blow as Y/N dashed to him with overwhelming speed.

"You're already done... that's what you were about to say?" The boy was mocking him, having ripped a chunk of enemy's hair in a jiff.

"Don't you dare making fun of me!" Kei went for a direct punch, striking only Y/N's after-image.

"You're fast but way too predictable." He hit the hero appeared behind him with a no-look elbow.

"Gwa... but you're lowering your guard too." Y/N grabbed his arm, leaving a scorch on the opponent's skin.

"A very bad decision." Kei enveloped himself in lightnings, zapping the boy.

"His surges are dangerous. What should I do to prevent brain overriding?" Y/N was trying to figure out a counter.

"I dunno, you're the brawler... not me." Inner Y/N shrugged.

"Fucking bastard, you really are useless!" The boy got upset.

"The hell are you doing? Talking to yourself?" Kei struck with a bolt-empowered high kick in an attempt to shrug off the hero.

"I... won't... let... go!" Y/N was resisting, being dragged upwards as the villain jumped in air.

"Who's gonna kick the bucket first? Me burning to the bones or you ending up ride the lightning?" Kei was acting smug, performing a body drop from above.

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