Ch. 3 - Today's a Day Off?

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It was a sunny morning, the train raced down the tracks and Y/N was staring outside the window, brooding.

"Yesterday was a mess. Tomorrow I'll have to help Fuutarou solve his problems with Itsuki... But today I've a day off!" He thought smiling.

A girl came in the railcar, sitting beside him.

"This free day improves more and more" He was pondering, staring at the pretty girl.

She was of his age, with blue eyes and long reddish pink hair adorned with two butterfly-shaped ribbons. Wearing a long-sleeved sweater and a green skirt with a pair of white thigh high socks.

She was looking at her phone with a rabbit-themed cover.

Then Y/N recalled the reason of the trip, taking from his luggage the books found in some distant bookstores and started to read one of the rarest.

"I'm coming home, I'll arrive in time for making lunch, don't worry Itsuki." Nino was texting to her sister, looking at her travel companion discreetly.

"I'm sitting near a weird guy reading some old and yellowed books. How creepy! XD " She added at the text.

Then Y/N noticed some movements between the other passengers. A pair of men were walking back and forth looking around somewhat concerned. He recognized them as fellow workers of the Hero Association so he caught their attention inviting them to his seat.

"Is there any problems?" He said showing his hero badge. Nino was interested by these men's whispers despite not catching their talks.

"A dangerous criminal has been caught in a nearby station. He has confessed to have placed a powerful bomb on this train. We must find and disarm it before reaching the next stop... or it will blow up." One of the men said, being careful not to be heard.

"Alright! Despite it isn't my shift I'll help you to dispose this bomb before ending up in the morgue!" Y/N blurted out, the two heroes made a facepalm expecting a fuss, luckily none heard him... except Nino.

"A bomb on this train? We must call for help and stop the journey!" She said frightened.

"The situation isn't so bad. I'll quickly end this." Y/N tried to calm her, failing miserably.

So he got up starting the search of the bomb, helped by the heroes and followed by Nino, who was complaining of them.

They found the bomb in a closed toilet on the middle wagon, it was a large device filled with cables and displays.

"Okay, remain calm. We need to study the wires system, check the displays and..." One of the heroes was interrupted while explaining.

"The explosive charge... Found it!" Y/N said hitting the bomb and ripping the explosive section from the main body, tearing apart metal, circuits and wires. Some displays started ringing before shutting down. The two heroes fainted for the shock while Nino began to scream aloud at Y/N with the armed charge in his hands.

"Miss, there is no reason to panic. Please help me open a window, or we'll be in trouble." He tried to calm her.

Less suit abuse and more Nino.

"You are a total idiot! Completely crazy! How in the world I ended up in this mess!" She opened a large window in the empty railcar.

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