Character Profiles

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Name: John Rigen
Gender: Male
Height: 1,82 meters
Date of birth: October 3, 2005 - Virginia, United States (Earth)
Date of death: August 25, 1229 - Zaira, Jung Kingdom (Euro Grant)  


Note: He was a responsible father, he tried his best to be a good father to his children. Sadly, he kept his distance from them because he was scared that he would spread his bad behaviors to his kids.

In his entire life, he lived in suspicions and paranoids that he imagined. Nothing was real, all just his imagination. His wives cheating on him, was also just his imagination. His children weren't his, were also his imagination. Paranoids ruined his life, but both his considerate wives saved him from his issues.

He was loved by his children, although he kept his distance from them. His feet became weakened since he was 60 due to B28, poison gas. He struggled to walk properly. When he was 70, his legs were all disabled. His faithful wife - Shera took care of him his entire life, he died happily when his mental issues gone.

He had a peaceful death, his wife - Shera and his children were there... seeing him for the last time, he was glad.

Name: Shera Rigen
Gender: Female
Height: 1,60 meters
Date of birth: Day 22 of the first Spring (February 22), 1156 - Keris, Warsaw Kingdom (Euro Grant)
Date of death: Day 25 of the first autumn (August 25), 1229 - Zaira, Jung Kingdom (Euro Grant)

Note: She was a good mother, she cared about her children, even Leiki - who was not hers. Despite being a psychopath, she taught her children not to use violence. Instead, she taught them to use other ways to threaten their rivals, she also taught her children to do good things in life.

She was a faithful wife, she rejected all the suggestions about asking out and flirtings. Her body and her soul only stayed with her husband - John Rigen. Every time her husband got problem, she would be always there to console him even though she considered it to be annoying.

She lived with her husband together in their small wooden house. When her children got out of the house to build their own lives, she enjoyed her life there. When Reimi divorced her husband, Shera comforted him and lived with him happily in the house.

She was loved by her children. She did not treat anyone more special than anyone, she always tried her best to treat her children all equal.

When her husband couldn't walk, she happily took care of him alone. Despite living in her old age, she always strived to be stronger, she did not want to rely on anyone. The old couple lived happily, her husband passed away... very suddenly. She couldn't stand it, she cried in his bed many times when he died.

She intended to kill herself. She died the same day of her husband's death because of her excessive sadness. Finally... she found her peace when she could follow her husband to the other side.

Reimi Rigen
Gender: Female
Height: 1,70 meters
Date of birth: Day 12 of the second autumn, (September 12), 1150 - Veta, Warsaw Kingdom (Euro Grant)
Date of death: Day 17 of the first Spring, (February 17), 1245 - Zaira, Jung Kingdom (Euro Grant)

Note: She was a strict mother since she was affected by her mom in teaching ways. She tried to change her way of teaching, she learned the methods from Shera - her closest friend, sister and ruler.

She at first used her steel words to teach her children, but she soon left it because it was very bad. She always learned to change herself. When her husband got problem, she tried her best alongside Shera to heal him, to cure him. Although she did not have much experience, she managed to do her best.

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