C217: Loss

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Chapter 217: Loss

Private Mark's perspective
19th Regiment
US Warsaw Corps Army
2:47 PM - December 13, 1173
Southwest Tod forest front - Border between Warsaw and Attenta 

Two minutes before the incident occurred

"Our Commander was like shit when she did that", that was my thought after seeing her headed to the enemy line. Currently, I was sitting on the ground alongside my comrades. Pulling out our rations to eat 'cause I felt hungry... these cookies were very good, I love eating them.

While eating the cookies, I could see a bunch of WCA soldiers lying, crouching and standing on the riverside to watch the duel. Those guys, probably were too free and didn't have any shit else to do. Ms. Frieden was on her period or something, so she was crazy to think about it. Just all of sudden ran straight to encounter the enemy, later asked 'em for a duel.

Despite receiving the scout mission, she did it wrong and even showed up, exposing herself. Instead of secretly eliminating the enemy from afar, she faced 'em, asking them for a duel in order to end the battle without bloodshed... it was so stupid. While grabbing out the pieces of cookies inside the mini ration bag to eat, I found something. I meant... the WCA soldiers who were watching the duel suddenly yelled like crazies over there. Knowing they were acting suspiciously, I pointed my head to Tev - the one who was also watching that bullshit duel.

"Any news over there...?".

"Yah! Our fishing boat sunk their warship!".  "Giggles...". - This dude... maybe he was meaning our Captain had won the duel

Well... thanks to her stupid decision, our soldiers now had more time to rest, and even had the chance to erase our boredom. Many of our guys and girls were concentrating on the riverside just to observe those duel scenes... despite it being over. However, I didn't care much about the duel. Honestly, my current goal was to return to my family who was waiting for me in the Capital city.

"Chews... chews... chews...".  "Swallows... swallows...". - Finished eating the cookies, I swallowed them slowly, trying to feel their shitty taste

Needless to say, our military guys had gotten used to eating rations like this one, getting bored with them was obvious.  However, these cookies would be very tasty if I handed them over to my son Uvan and my daughter Seva... my wife Epente too. Man, I wish... I was with my family, not this warzone, fighting every day.

"Chews... chews...".  "Swallows... swallows...". - Eating for a while, I swallowed the cookies while looking up at the sky

Wait a minute... did my eyes just fool me or something? Otherwise, I'd have had a huge hallucination right here. In the sky, a bunch of huge creatures that looked like eagles could be seen flying together. They were forming a horizontal V line while flying, their spiky feet were carrying things like logs and big stones. I could describe those huge eagles flying to the east side, as if purposing to do something. Could not believe in myself, I tied the ration bag and strapped it to my belt, later grabbed my weapons and watched those eagles.

I ran, following those flying creatures. Pointing my eyes to the sky non-stop, later saw they flew away to the North. Before they got away from my sight, I was very sure that their feet hadn't carried anything by this time. These eagles... dropped those things somewhere... beyond that eastern side, eh?

Surrounded by my curiosity but could not do anything to solve it, I started neglecting what I had seen. Later I returned to my regiment and sat on the ground once again, pulling out the ration bag to eat some more cookies.

"Holy shit!".  "Guys, gear up! Gear up!".  "Form your formation now, oh shit!".  "C'mon! Go go go, people!". - Had just sat on the ground in a short moment, I heard yellings from the WCA soldiers, as if they were panicked

Before F.R.O.N.D.E.R: Epilogue Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora