C188: Observe The School (Part 1)

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Chapter 188: Observe The School (Part 1)

Shera's perspective

Alright, so...today was day 13th of the third Summer, 1173 (July 13th according to John's world calendar). Previously, I was inside the kitchen preparing for my husband his breakfast. John tended to wake up a bit late these days, this time was 7:34 AM or half 8th-morning bell.

Now I was walking out from the Servants' zone to head straight to the Lord's zone to come to our room to wake John up, he was still sleeping. My husband's memory was still very blurred, he lost his memory so he didn't remember us, also strangely cold to us for no reason, which made me very sad.

But I would help my husband no matter what, even if his memory could not return forever, there would be ways for us to heat up our marriage relationships, must patient. After thinking, I stepped out from the Servants' zone and then headed to the Lord's zone, I hope Reimi was guarding John well because she would be the one to protect him when I was away.

A short time later, I came to the room and witnessed Reimi, she was guarding the door but immediately nodded to greet me as she saw my appearance. I must go inside. But at first, maybe I should spend a few moments chatting with Reimi, she later would have to go to school and the Palace to investigate the incoming war.


"Yes, my Highness?". - Reimi pointed her eyes at me while guarding the door

"Is John alright inside?".

"I see that Lord Rigen's still sleeping...he is fine, my Highness".  "Despite...he used to grunt earlier, but it has ended now". - She said to me while leaning her glance at the door for few times before looking straight at my eyes

"Ummm...why don't you have a rest now, Reimi? I mean, you must have some sleep".  "Later would have to head to the Palace and the school to collect intel...have a rest, Reimi". - Maybe I would ask my servant about the results of yesterday's investigation later, must wake my husband up first

"As you wish, my Highness". - She nodded to take the order

"I'll head inside to call John now, return to your room and rest till your department, Reimi". - After speaking with my servant, I grabbed the door's handle

"Wait a minute, my Highness! Lady Sarah just had given you a letter this morning but I forgot to announce it to you". - Sarah? Ohhh, I got it now, because of her land's affairs these days so she could not visit John


"Ummm...Lady Sarah said that she will be here in a short time to visit Lord Rigen".  "Should we ask her to delay her arrival, my Highness? Because we haven't prepared teas or anything to welcome her".

"No need for it, she comes here to visit John because she cares about him".  "Sarah would surely return to her region after the visit, she won't be free to have tea".  "But remember on behalf of me to greet her when she comes, Reimi".

"Understood". - Reimi nodded and I stopped talking to her and walked inside the room and closed the door

In front of me was now John, my husband was still lying on the bed to sleep, he must have been very tired these days when he lost his memory. Should I wake him up now? Because I didn't want to disturb John so I approached the bed silently while pointing my eyes to the desk nearby.

The desk had a wooden box that stored medicines that were sent from my sister-in-law and Sarah was mixed in there, to regain John's health. There was no medicine to help him to recover his memory so I could only use these pills to regain his strength, I only hoped my husband would be able to recover his memory this time.

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