C197: War Room (Part 2)

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Chapter 197: War Room (Part 2)

Reimi's perspective

"Ahem...". "Listen up, soldiers! Let's start our war meeting". - After speaking wrong, John took a short time of silence and then re-said his speech

As I could see, Sarah and Hatano were very focused on this meeting, but only I...was the one trying to ignore it. How could he be so heartless? I know he was having things to do but...John loves Her Highness more than me?

"Reimi, pay your attention!". - Suddenly, I got startled when John told me to concentrate on the meeting, I looked up and both of us stared at each other without blinking

"Alright, let's get back to what I was saying earlier, soldiers". "If anyone of you cannot concentrate, I suggest you control your emotions till this meeting ends, alright?". - After speaking to us, John stared at me while blinking twice as if to tell me to wait

"As all of you have known about, we're going to face a war that's cannot avoid in the next 5 months". "It'll occur this winter, if not then it would occur in the period of time which's late than that time". "But the thing is...it'll happen sooner or later, avoiding this big war is impossible".

"But in that struggle time, Pvt. Hatano had helped me a lot by collecting for me the intel of the enemy, it's good news". "But her behavior...is hard to be forgiven, her cooperation in this return will make me decide to let her off or not".

"According to the dossier which briefs the entire process of the intelligence collection, it's a big sacrifice". "Pvt. Hotel and Six KIA before they could do anything". "While PFC. Lima and Niner WIA during the process, later MIA, after their duty is done, they have been found KIA".

Anyway, the things John had just said to me were about his world's military slang symbolic: KIA means Killed in action, MIA means Missing in action and WIA means Wounded in action.

"Before heading to the main part of the meeting, we'll say about the evacuation plan". "Till this time, our Warsaw has allied with the Elven Kingdoms and the beastmen Kingdoms, they'll help us in the war when it breaks out". "When the war comes, the people will have to be evacuated". "Veta and Stansa are the regions which are the closest to the warzone if the war happens". "So the people from those places will be evacuated first, after them would be the others of other Warsaw regions".

"All will have to head to the Capital before stepping out of the nation to refugee in the allied nations". "They'll go to No Man Zone to refugee, that border is a neutral zone". "During the evacuation in No Man Zone, the military of the elves and beast people will aid the refugees". "If anyone of Attenta or its vassal states dares to attack the refugees in that zone, it's nothing but a suicidal plan".

"Alright...Sarah, what's on your mind?". - John asked Sarah to stand up because she raised her hand as he ended his speech

"About the individuals we'll evacuate, Commander".

"The old, women and children will be prioritized, men whose age from 15 to 55 will have to stay for the duty".

"Can't we save all of them? Ummm...because our military way depends on voluntary". "There's no need to draft those who have families, can we? Who'll be with their members when they go all?".

"When the war comes, the things you learned and the things you'll experience are chaotically different, Sarah". "Drafted to the warzone is very normal in war, without the combatants, a nation will ruin...it's a harsh truth". "About their families, I can only wish that fucking Goddess blesses them...accept it, Sarah...". "It's how "draft" works in the real war, in the name of "voluntary"...".

"But there must be a way to change it, Commander...".

"Your land's your control, your choice, Sarah...make sure that it has enough strength to protect itself". "Remember to make sure it has good troops and is lucky enough to not separate any families in wartime". "If Veta stays strong, your land will be also like that too". - After hearing John's answer, Sarah nodded and sat down

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