C186: Sick Love (Part 1)

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Hello, my dear readers! Before heading to the new chapter: I hope you will enjoy the new way of characters' conversations.
Enjoy the story!

Chapter 186: Sick Love (Part 1)

Rigen's perspective










Urrrghhhhhhhhh! Every time I closed my eyes to sleep, there would be something bad in my dream, I would say it was a very bad nightmare. A week ago as I remembered, I woke up without knowing anything about myself but the name John, shortly I met 3 women who claimed to be my close acquaintances.

The three of them were named: Shera, Reimi, Sarah. Later I met a girl named Shizuka but I prefer calling her by her surname Hatano.

Among the three of them, there were two who always appeared in my dream every time I go to sleep, the blonde woman was the one I was scared of the most, a sick crazy. Strangely that I hadn't seen her in my dream today, I could see that I was very lucky to get out of that nightmare, didn't want to face it again, I swear to God!

After encountering those four women, the blonde woman who claimed to be my wife was named Shera briefed me that I lost my memory. According to her briefing, I was a Lord who owns the castle and the region named Veta, under me were both of my subordinates named Sarah and Hatano, the red-haired woman was the blonde woman's servant.

Because I was bewildered and didn't know what to do so I randomly picked Hatano to be the second in command while I was resting before returning to take over the command. Because I saw that black-haired woman was intelligent and swift in her job. About her brown-haired little sister - Sarah, seemed to be a bit silly so I didn't let her replace me.

Strangely that the woman named Reimi, Shera and Sarah protested my decision and together voted for the blonde woman to take the command. But I kept keeping that decision so Hatano later replaced me, those women were so odd to protest an intelligent like Hatano to be my second Commander.

After voting, Hatano left the room and went on working or something while Sarah and others stayed with me with the purpose to cure me. Shortly after a few hours, Sarah also left the room to return to her land to take care of the affairs while Reimi and Shera stayed with me.

Honestly that I also wanted to be friendly with the blonde woman and Reimi but the way they cared about me too considerate made me doubt...hard to believe them. Their caring was very honest but I felt unsafe, as if they were faking, I didn't feel safe to be taken care of in that way...as if I didn't get used to living with kind people.

I felt very regretted beating the one who claimed to be my wife, because I didn't want to be disturbed but she kept caring about me...poor her. My conscience also had its regret so I intended to apologize to Shera a day after the incident but...now I was pretending to scare her away, it had a reason behind it.

"Urrghhhh!". - Right at the time I wanted to say about, this nightmare had come once again

I opened my eyes and realized that I was in somewhere dark, this nightmare was a bit different from the previous ones because I was supposed to wake up in an abandoned castle, not this strange place. While trying to look around the place, I saw a bit of light which seemed to be lit by the candles and a wooden lantern sitting on the tables beside me, but still very dark.

Before F.R.O.N.D.E.R: Epilogue Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora