Brief The Prequel

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Hello, my dear readers! Thanks for coming here to read my stories.

To anyone who hasn't read and to the ones who had read but couldn't get it all in the prequel of the novel: A Marine Got Lost In Another World ( Which has now been renamed Before F.R.O.N.D.E.R). I'm sorry my readers very much when the prequel's quite badly written.

The premise has very bad grammar, the chapters above those ones had been written better but some chapters have errors with the characters' conversations, too much "!". Also, when I newly writing, I lacked ideas, rushed the storyline too much and expressed the characters' expressions like children in adult bodies...haizz

Maybe I should head straight to the point of this chapter. Because I don't want my new readers to be bewildered when they don't read the prequel but have to read the sequel without knowing anything so I'll brief the prequel as detailed as possible!

At first, this novel has no main characters...or I'd say every character is the main character because they have their own lives and stories. There are characters I'll put on the list because they would appear in the entire storyline.

John Rigen: Current age: 26
He's a white American, an orphan, a Sergeant US Marine Corps, used to be a soldier from the US Army and a war veteran in Afghanistan war. (Actually, he was drafted there by his first adoptive mother who works in the military. John managed to face combat 3 times, and returned home safely).
Because John's childhood was being beaten and scolded by his first adoptive mother so he grew up impulsive and easy to beat people when his temper was triggered, combining with facing the war at the age of 16, he became a very mean man. Currently, both his mental and physical has been healed by his good wife but he has lost his memory at the end of the prequel - returned to his previous form, worse.

Sarah Hatano: Current age: 20
A pure and silly girl who's a Private from the US Army, has been mixed to become one of John Rigen's subordinates in Operation 1172.
She's also an orphan who had been adopted by a Japanese scientist, her adoptive father has now been assumed dead. Plus, Sarah has an older sister named Shizuka who hates her Commander (John) a lot.

Shizuka Hatano: Current age: 21
A crossbred Japanese who has a little sister named Sarah, she loves her little sister a lot. Apparently, Hatano's very quiet but when she opens her mouth, she would either talk low and slow or would say it loud as if she was scolding. She's a Private from the US Army and hates Americans, she hates John too much, attempted to kill him but later gave up because of avoiding being hated by her little sister.

Shera Sonne: Current age: 17
A Princess and a Yandere girl who inherited those morbid genetics from her late mother. She loves John so she married him, always gets jealous if anyone dares to glance at her husband, she has a close servant who is also a very good friend but also a rival.

Reimi Frieden: Current age: 23
The private servant of Princess, she lost her first lover and used to love John, still very much loves him currently. She never asks her ruler for giving anything, only devoted and submissive to her ruler.

Hoster Sonne: Current age: 20
Shera Sonne's older brother, who is portrayed as a ruthless told to be a brother who has a same mom but not a same father.
According to Prime Minister - Alt Toten, who claimed to be Hoster's real father, he raped his mom and because she was muted, illiterate and scared of him so she could not reveal the truth to her husband.

Those characters are the ones would appear as the main characters of the novel. Before briefing the prequel, maybe I need to tell my readers a bit about the fantasy other world John and his subordinates have come to.

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