C272: End Of The World

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Chapter 272: End Of The World

John Rigen's perspective
Day 26 of the Second Winter
December 26th, 1177 - God's land - Euro Grant - 5:03 AM






I open my eyes once again, because I'm gearing up to protect myself and my family. I had woken up a bit earlier than usual. I immediately grabbed my stuff, and now I'm ready for the battle.

I silently approach the door then open it out. My subordinates - Sarah and Hatano can be seen standing out there, guarding the place. They seem to have prepared as well. Now we just need to wait till my mothers allow us to go down the cave to head inside the Sword Mountain.

"She hasn't said anything?". - I asked Sarah

"No, Commander".

"Keep watching, okay?". - Done saying, I closed the door

I return to my wife and Reimi after that. I would say that we had a nice night previously, since I had intimated with two women at the same time. But now, I know I shouldn't be that relaxed. I should be serious right now, I must make sure that my loved ones are alright even when bad things come to us suddenly.

I approach my wife and slowly cuddle her face, she is so cute right now. Two women of mine are sleeping deeply on the bed, all naked. When something bad happens, I must wake them up immediately. All of us must get inside the Sword Mountain to activate the dimension machine.

Hmmm... wait a minute, what? I feel that things on the table are shaking lowly. Not just the table, but the floor has also started shaking. That's strange, I've never seen an earthquake occur in this world. But now it's happening, right before me.

"What th-". A shattering sound could be heard later, I looked at the window and found out it was shattered into glass

Things start shaking more powerfully than before, some items on the table fall on the stone floor. I see that something is wrong, I must wake both of them up now.

"Shera, Shera, wake up!". - I shook my wife's body, yelling to ask her to wake up

"Commander, you feel that earthquake?!". - Sarah banged the door and came in, she also felt that earthquake

"What's happening...?". - Reimi sleepily rubbed her eyes while getting up, I was about to call her but she luckily woke up.  "Wait... what's happening!". - She was quite surprised when she felt that earthquake

"My Highness, wake up!". - Reimi started waking up my sleeping wife

"Go grab your clothes, I'll be checking around". - I told both of them then later came to my subordinate.  "Where's Hatano?". - I came to Sarah, asking to see her older sister

"There!". - She pointed to the desk in the corner that has a bookshelf

"What're you doing?!". - Hatano was doing strange things there, I yelled at her

"Turning off candles...". - Hatano said something low that I couldn't hear


"All citizens of the island be advised, Nilreb of Demon Kingdom has been struck".  "A strange object reported floating in the sky of that area, the invasion has come".  "To the heroes, get inside the Divine Sword, now". - A transmission voice suddenly sounded in our minds, we were informed of the worst news that we did not expect to hear

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