C259: Odd Memories (Part 1)

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Chapter 259: Odd Memories (Part 1)

Shera Rigen's perspective

My mind is a bit hurt at this moment. From what I remember, we had disappeared in front of Col. Cawess and his men. Somehow after that, we got to a strange place and met up with a woman. She claimed herself to be Katia - the Goddess that all of our world's people worship.

My husband got into an argument with her, then somehow it went wrong. After that incident, I can't remember what had happened to us.

"Haaahhhh... haaahhhh...". - All of sudden, I felt a cold wind passing me

I open up my eyes, with the feeling like I've just woken up after years. I can see that there's something like the darkness, it's covering me. After a few seconds, I realize that is very big on top of us, its shadow is covering us.

"Urrrghhh...". - I tried to get up, but failed.  "Ahhhhh...". - Also tried to overturn myself, but also faced that outcome.  "John... Reimi... urrrghhh...".

I can feel the pain in my head, not just in my head but in my entire body. My head hurts, my chest hurts, my neck hurts, so do the other parts. Holding that mysterious pain only makes my entire body paralyzed. I can't move, but at least can roll my eyeballs.

I know I can't do anything, that's why I do my best on looking around. I can say that the place I am lying in is a forest or something, in the middle of the forest, I think. Hmmmm... the sun hasn't come up yet. The sky is still dark... I can't see the moon from this angle, it's quite bad.

While staying on the ground, heavy breathings can be heard around me. It means my husband and Reimi are nearby, they are still with me. I'm glad when I'm not the only one here. But now I want to do something to get the three of us to somewhere safe.

The ground is cold, so do the winds when they fly across us in every second. If we stay here more longer, we'll die because of having the cold.

"Urrrrrgggghhhh...!". - I tried to move my body, but failed.  "Haaahhhh... haaahhhh... John...".  "Huh...?". - I accidentally rolled my eyes to the left side, and saw something that I couldn't believe

I see groups of trees surrounding the area where I'm looking at. But the oddness is these trees look like treehouses, and the interiors looked from the outside seem to have lights. No way, right? Tree houses in the middle of a forest, how? It's unbelievable. But now I only have that choice.

"Please... save us... save us...". - Luckily, I managed to utter some words.  "Anyone, anyone out there... please". - Although my voice was small and weak, I hope that someone would be able to hear it to save us

"Save us... please save us...".  "Haaahhhh... haaahhhh... please come and save us...". - Now I must try hard to do that, I must say as loud as possible to save all of us

"Please... save us!". - I managed to say out loud a word, I was so glad

"Please... save us...". - I kept saying without stopping.  "Please... save us... save us...".

"Eh, oy raeh nihtemos?".  (Hey, you heard something?). - All of sudden, I heard a strange language voice sounding near me.  "Iaw iaw iaw... I es nihtemos".  (Wait wait wait... I see something). - Then I heard incoming footsteps getting closer to us

"Namuh...?".  (Humans...?). - A black person, who seemed to be a woman showed up in my vision.  "Roper iht t ht draug, on!".  (Report this to the guards, now!). - She yelled at someone, maybe to call out people to save us

"Hey, are you alright...?!". - Finally, she spoke our native language - Englis when she crouched down to check on me.  "Hey, can you hear me?!". - I'm sorry, but I'm too tired and I can't keep my eyes open anymore

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