C239: Prelude To The Disappearance

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Chapter 239:  Prelude To The Disappearance

John Rigen's perspective

Four months have passed since the previous war. We had retook Veta successfully, and managed to win the voting. According to Warsaw's laws, when a Lord loses his land, that land will have to be re-voted after getting retaken once again. The one who has the most achievements and the King's trust will be able to claim the land's possession.

However, thanks to the mass purge on the government's spies of His Majesty, my power was restored. Right immediately I was appointed to claim back Veta, despite the Commander who commanded and retook the castle wasn't me but a Warsaw Lord.

King Hoster only has me to be the most trustworthy. That's why I reclaimed my land right immediately as Veta was retaken by Warsaw military.

And we're now living in our old home happily now... my wife and I plan to have a child in the future. Our plan has been conducted for two weeks, but hasn't shown a "green light" progress at all.

My wife hasn't got pregnant yet, and maybe... I quite hurry for it. We intend to "re-intercourse" tonight, and wait till my wife informs me that she gets pregnant.

That's about my family... maybe I should say about other affairs about the country and Rivia's group.

Let's start with Attenta Kingdom and its vassal states. After the war, Attenta seemed to have... been broken from the inside. Their King and their Empress, died in an assassination, committed by my Spec Ops unit: Swift Predators.

All operatives died in the assassination, despite it being a successful assassination. Shortly after the rulers' deaths, the war ended with more panic come from Attenta's side. Queen Stella Foss (The daughter of Attenta's King) also died in Warsaw.

Losing their rulers, and the only child of the King... the Kingdom has no heir who owns his blood. Turned out... that was just a prelude to the Kingdom's future downfall.

Currently, Attenta is an unbalanced state which has coups occurring quite frequently. Since everyone in power wants to have power, they don't want to share it with anyone, but themselves. Maybe... this Kingdom will turn into anarchy after a month or so. So do its vassal states, some are going to propose to be the new secession states which have no alliance with Attenta.

At first we were worried that they would return to invade us after this. However... seeing them killing themselves, Warsaw must use that moment to rise up to be a strong Kingdom in the north.

That's all I can brief about Attenta and its vassal states. Now return to Rivia's Knight Ranger squad. After escorting us back to the Palace's backyard, they went away

Before parting with us, Lieutenant Rivia said that her group would be always in Zaira village. That means her Knight Ranger team will be always waiting for our arrival in the village. With the date to be in effect for 4 years... or I should say still has 3 years.

This time, we're also planning to run away together. The plan will be conducted in the next week since that's the day when King Hoster will be visiting a southern Kingdom. Warsaw's planning to widen its allies and expand its trade markets.

Because of that, the King himself will have to present before that Kingdom's Monarch, to make the trade agreement for both sides.

I'm not worried about the escape plan's preparation at all... it has no mistake at all. My wife - Shera and Reimi have also agreed to escape with me. Their anxiety keeps growing, they are concerned about King Hoster's sanity.

However, my wife wants to visit her brother for the last time 3 days later. I'll escort my wife there, later will pretend to speak to Hoster as if both of us are planning to have a vacation together.

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