C240: Home Bad Home (Part 1)

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Chapter 240: Home Bad Home (Part 1)  

Sarah's perspective

After having breakfast with John and others, I went to the town to buy a horse and then rode her to Stansa. Instead of borrowing John's horse, I thought I should've been on my own. It was better.

Now is 7:49 AM.

Currently, I'm sitting on my horseback. My new horse's named Sanra, and I'm trying to get used to knowing her. We've passed the forest which is the border between Veta and Stansa, and now Stansa's border gate is before our eyes.

Sitting on my horseback, I check on my weapons. Now I'm armed with a green Elven sword, an M9 bayonet on my right side belt. A flintlock pistol is also armed, but is strapped on my belt's back.

I'm wearing a leather armor, with leather gloves and leather protector plates on my shoulders and my knees. Honestly... I feel annoyed to wear like this. However, my sis keeps asking me to wear like this for safety... sigh.

Mostly our modern weapons are now left in our Headquarters - Veta. After the Warsaw-Attenta war, we finally ran out of ammunition. Even our ammo crate was blown up during the siege of Veta castle. That's unlucky.

We run out of ammo. Now we can only survive through physical training and using these cold weapons. The smokeless powder cannot be invented. So we cannot re-create ammo for our modern firearms, but can only use the very old ones.

"Lady, stop your movement!". - The Stansa guards started coming out as they spotted my horse approaching the border gate close enough

The border gate is away from me just for a few steps. And these Stansa guards are coming out to check on me.

After the evac from Stansa to Nalta in the war, I decide to retire and handed the Lord's position to my Advisor - Litra. Now I go back to Stansa, just simply wanting to know how much it has been improved when I was away from the place. Hmmm... the difference had been spotted from the guards.

Previously, I used the Police force to be the guarding Stansa region. Currently, no Peacekeeper policemen can be seen guarding the border gate anymore. There might be a chance that the police unit is working inside the town.

However, I only see the guards here. They're all armed like the Capital troops, just the difference is that they wear leather armors and have the Stansa's insignia. Their armors aren't having any jungle camouflage features at all. Seems like Litra follows her homeland's traditional way than ours.

"Alright, Miss". - A guard approached me.  "Show me your citizen card for verification". - He raised his hand, asking me to show him my citizen card

"Eh?". - I was a bit confused while searching for it in my handbag.  "This is okay?". - Then I pulled out a Warsaw crest, I showed it to the man

"Oh".  "I'm sorry for the previous unright behavior". - He bowed to me, as if to apologize to me

"She's a Royal member". - Then he looked at other guards behind him

"I smell some corruption here, General". - My SA spoke to me through SC feature.  "They don't even check on your toys... just keep going". - What do you mean?

"Ummm...". - I gazed at the guardsman.  "Aren't the weapons would be confiscated until the traveler goes inside the gate, Sir?".

"That was before, Lady".  "Now Royal members and Lords are the exceptions". - Then he slowly walked back to his guards.  "They're free to carry weapons inside the gate without being kept to check".

Hmmm... the laws have been changed as well. However, the path is now widened thanks to Stansa guards, I must head in there right now and away.

Then I ride my horse inside the border gate. Getting in there, I look at the town's scenery, and see it's not so different from before. Hmmm... the war had not destroyed many buildings in this region. Everything seems to be fine in my look.

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