C215: Battle Of Southeast Tod (Part 1)

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Chapter 215: Battle Of Southeast Tod (Part 1)

Raptu Fareza's perspective
24th Tiger Regiment and 9th Wing Platoon joint operation
Freedom Beastmen Army
2nd-afternoon bell (2:00 AM) - Day 13 of the second Winter, 1173 (December 13, 1173)
Tod forest - Border between Warsaw and Attenta

Southeast of Tod forest front
30 minutes before the incident

Now I was with my regiment on the southeast side of the Tod forest, waiting for the enemy to come to get rid of them. This regiment was under my uncle - Rakyara Fareza's command, but now he was not here with me. Instead, he was now on the far north. In No Man Zone's border, where the Wing Platoon was jointly operating with us. My uncle was observing us from afar, by staying in the rear line.

Those Eagle soldiers were garrisoning on that side, would air support us when we have a need. They'd use things like chopped wooden logs or huge stones we brought with them when the Army was on its way to get to Warsaw. The objects I named earlier would be used for air support by throwing directly at the below enemy. That kind of tactic was called "bombing" according to Gen. Rigen. Honestly... our FBA (Freedom Beastmen Army) was either hardly used to this tactic or never used it before. The "bombing" named strategy seemed to be very... creative and interesting to us.

In front of me was now a field... a wide plain of the southeast side of the woods would be more right to say - according to me. An Attenta regiment (recently confirmed to have one more battalion alongside them, total of 3.200) was told to be moving here. According to the plan, we'd take care of the enemy from the southeast. While Ms. Reimi Frieden's regiment would take care of the hostiles from the southwest.

"Drinks... drinks... drinks...". - Thinking for a while, I temporarily stopped and started drinking wine again, by drinking the wooden jar I was holding

I lost Erissen so I was sad, depressed and also... mad, felt like revenge for her and her parents. Those Attenta people were so ruthless... they sent spies into this country by disguising them as civilians. Later killed innocent children, used women, children and the weak to cause chaos in the country. Luckily, we managed to stop it... but Eris would never be returned to her family anymore. Ms. Milch must be very depressed when her husband and her daughter passed away, she'd be alone for the rest of her life.

"Drinks... drinks... drinks...".  "Hahhhhhh... sigh...". - The wine jar was drained out all, my mouth sighed sadly and I grabbed another jar - which was placed on the right side of my seat

I was sitting on a bunch of green crates, which stocked inside were the snakes, scorpions, roaches and... various insects of my Kingdom. Those insects were used by the Army to assist in combat, to scare the enemy and also to create diseases. 'Cause I was sitting behind the Army's formation so I could see my entire regiment while sitting here to drink. We had about 1.700 troops forward, honestly we were strongly outnumbered by the enemy but we could manage ourselves with our small troops, no need to be worried.

By the way. I was ordered to return to my country, not to avoid the Warsaw Corps Army basic training in the school. The purpose came from my father - Ratapatu Fareza, who summoned me back to my homeland to join the Freedom Beastmen Army. According to him, war would come in the future so I was called back to join the Army, trained to be an officer. Because of that reason, I didn't have time to be with Eris anymore, even though I had feelings for her... ummm... well, shit that!

During the Army officer basic training, I defected several times to return to Warsaw to see Eris. Turned out I wasn't courageous enough to confess to her that I love her... since loving the one who had the same gender was... something very odd right?

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