C225: Battle Of Veta - First Phase (Part 1)

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Chapter 225: Battle Of Veta - First Phase (Part 1)

General John Rigen's perspective
(Real Rank: Sergeant)
Krieg 2 - 1 Fireteam
US Marine Corps - US Army joint operation
6:56 AM, December 16th, 1173
Veta - Warsaw Kingdom

After yesterday's night raid, the enemy seemed to have had many casualties. However, nothing can stop their 200.000 troops. That number is too large for us, too far from our reach to eliminate all or half in a night.

At last, the Spec Ops Head Hunters squad managed to collect some intel. Despite its little information, their dedication to yesterday's mission was well sacrificed. Mission accomplished.

The intel had been handed over to the Green Marine Corps to let 'em take care of the further things. I had launched other Spec Ops teams, heading their routes to other locations in the country. Well... for example: A Swift Predator unit had been deployed to Attenta's Capital city, purposing to assassinate their King and their Empress.

Reimi's now still missing, no track to find her. About the fate of the Spec Ops team I sent out to save her... it's hard to tell when I cannot see 'em.

They could've been dead in the deep of the jungle during the search. Otherwise, they could've been detained by the enemies, since they worked on the mission without support from other Armies.

Back to Reimi. It's good when there's something valuable. One of the maps the Spec Ops squad collected from the enemy camp had shown me something valuable.

The location she's assumed to be missing, very matched the location marked by the biggest dot. I mean, that map is about Tod forest, it has red dots of different sizes, all around the area of the woods.

Then... the biggest red dot could be the Attenta Headquarters or something similar to it. Yet, it's also the place Reimi is now detained alongside other missing WCA soldiers in the previous battle.

VIPs are prioritized. The Special Forces are doing their best to track down the location which is possibly their Headquarters. After Reimi's safe and returned to my hands, we'll surely live well together alongside our big family somewhere.

When Reimi returns, I'll arrange an escape from Warsaw Kingdom immediately. The escape will have my wife - Shera, Reimi, Sarah and Hatano... might also join that escape. Everyone else will be left behind for our safety. I'll use my troops to be the meat shields to hold the border gate, while my family and I will return to the castle.

Return there, pack up and head on the carriages to let them escort us to No Man Zone in no time. We'll head to Krieg Base, moving through the tunnel there to have entry to Zaira village of Jung Kingdom in order to escape.

About the fate of the Kingdom and its people... I hate what I'm going to do but I'll leave it doom on its own. This Kingdom's been doomed completely since the King couldn't gather the troops to head to us despite the days going by so far.  And now... the enemy is at home, front doors are about to be broken.

To think about the escape to Zaira village, I'm sure that my wife will surely protest harshly to my selfish opinion. Because her relatives: Hoster - His Majesty, Sherry, Lerer - her uncle, her classmates and others will be left behind.

However, I've had a way to deal with Shera's disagreement. My wife will escape with me and my subordinates by force, not through her voluntarily. Consequences... huh? To me, having my loved ones be with me is enough. My wife will surely forgive me and forget how cruel I was.

Despite Shera's hatefulness toward me from the beginning of the escape when I decide to leave all of her relatives behind. She'll forgive me, because she's my wife and she loves me, that's it.

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