C245: 2060 (Part 2)

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Chapter 245: 2060 (Part 2)   

John Rigen's perspective
August 27th, 2060 - United States Of America - New york
1:57 PM

Currently, I'm standing beside my wife and others in my group. We stand in the yard, outside of the military base to wait for Cawess' limousine. He is standing before me, waiting for his subordinate's signal to come in.

Before that, we had to change our clothes into other costumes of this world to fit the situation. Our weapons were confiscated and kept by the military... or so I thought. The  US soldiers who disarmed us were very... curious about our "ancient clothing" and our "cold weapons".  Needless to say, Cawess had also asked me the reason why we had them.

Finally, I told him almost everything. And he doubted my words, although his eyes seemed to have some trust in my words, but not much.

After changing the clothes, we gather here and wait for the Limousine to come till now. Hmmm... Seylee needs more time to prepare. The car is now moving backward, will be reaching us in no time.

"That iron horse is... very odd". - Reimi's words were heard by me, I secretly turned around to see her

"You're right, Reimi". - My wife replied to her.  "It's moving backward without anyone riding it...".  "Yet... it looks like a machine more than a creature".

Maybe I shouldn't interfere with them. I look at Shera and others closer, somehow all of us wear similar to each other. We did not wear military uniforms, but chose to wear normal clothes. My wife and I dress up similarly to each other.

We both wear black hoodies, with blue khakis and black jungle boots. About Reimi... she is a little bit different. Instead of changing clothes completely, she wears a red hoodie, opened zipper... a brown tunic behind it.

Sarah wanted to look around the place. So she decided to follow Seeley's instruction to a clothing shop nearby the military base. In the end, Sarah wears a blue shirt that seems to be used for a babysitter... hmmm.

Hatano picked a hoodie as always, of course with her favorite color, yellow. The hood has now covered her face completely, staying away from the sunlight.

Now... her face becomes darker and more mysterious. The sun cannot reach her face, and her brown eyeballs look so empty... and dark.

She stands beside her little sister, her hands keep putting in the pockets. I'm wondering what is she thinking about.

"That's our ride, get in". - Cawess told us to go, he approached the Limousine

The car's door opens on its own as his feet reach its only a few inches. I hear the flinch from Reimi, she is sure very cautious about things beyond her "medieval" knowledge and imagination. My wife is calmer, she does surprised but not too much as Reimi.

Except for my subordinates and me, only those two from the "ancient fantasy world" get many shocks. I can't blame them. They accidentally got into this world with us.

"You sit on the backside, alright?". - Cawess asked me.  "I will be with her, c'mon, let's move in". - He got in the car

"Smell it, sis?". - Sarah got inside the car and asked Hatano's thought

"Ummm... car's smells". - Hatano got in the Limousine

"Hey... try to get used to it...". - I gently led my wife and Reimi into the car

"Huh?". - Shera got confused

"It smells... odd". - Reimi covered her nose after smelling some car scents

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