C194: Waiting (Part 1)

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Chapter 194: Waiting (Part 1)

Reimi's perspective

I was now standing at the room's door while looking inside. Her Highness approached her husband, intending to make up with him...though John seemed to be sleeping by now.

"John...can you hear me? You're sleeping?". - Shera called her husband gently and softly while reaching her hands to his shoulder

"Tap! Tap! Tap!".  "You're sleeping...sorry for making you stressed, John". - After tapping John's shoulder but didn't hear his reply, Her Highness apologized to him for because jealous unreasonable previously

"Kiss!". - After apologizing, Shera kissed her husband's forehead

"I'm sorry, John...that's not your fault...I'm sorry for being mad at you".

I kept standing outside while looking inside to see Her Highness, she stopped apologizing to her husband but now was staring at him. A short time later, she patted John's head gently. Later lifted the bedsheet higher to give her husband some warmth, also to wish him a good sleep.

As she finished helping her husband, Her Highness turned around and approached me with a tired face. She did not mean to get jealous previously, because she loved her husband too much and got shocked.

"Sigh...". - As she walked outside, Her Highness stared at me while sighing

"May you have a drink with me, Reimi? I need someone to hear my sadness".

"Nod!". - Quite strange that this was the first time she ever went to drink, because Her Highness hadn't done it before

"Umm...sorry, I forgot you're wounded...don't drink for your safety".  "But can you hear my confide, Reimi? From a rival of mine...I want to do something...to make up with my husband".  "I lost my control, so...can you at least hear my sadness, to share with my thoughts?".

"Nod!".  "But why do you have to drink, my Highness?".

"Sigh...".  "When we drink, we'll say it out, all of our sadness, happiness, everything...".  "My father used to drink a lot when my mom died...".  "If drinking can help me then I would...".

"Of course, right away". - I nodded to her, shortly turned around to look at...

"Do we have any wines in the castle, my Highness?". - John was not a drunk, he didn't drink too so this home was empty of bottles

"There's one that Raptu gave me".  "Inside my school bag".

"Understood". - I immediately opened the room's door, approached the desk and leaned my hand below it to pull out Her Highness's school bag

As I opened the school bag, there was a green bottle inside which had a yellow band wrapped around it. Which title was "To my good friend", this wine bottle needed to be checked before drinking, I guessed.

I took off its lid and sniffed the alcohol's intensity, shortly realizing this kind of wine was very strong, not fit for her. Anyway, I used to drink with my dead boyfriend several times so I was experienced at drinking. But this type of alcohol was strong according to my experience's sense.

"You found it yet?".

"Of course...but it's quite strong, my Highness? Are you sure want to drink?".

"How strong?". - Maybe not even half of a cup would make her drunk, I guess

"It's very strong...".

"Come out with me...I don't care if that bottle's strong or not, it's the only one we have".

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