C271: About To End

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Chapter 271: About To End

John Rigen's perspective
Day 25 of the Second Winter
December 25th, 1177 - God's land - Euro Grant - 8:33 AM

Till this time, two days have passed since that incident happened according to me. Right now, we're staying on this island, waiting for all races' representatives to end their alliance meeting. An alliance is about to be formed, soon. We are going to have a battle against the invaders from the sky, we'll protect this world.

The voice that sounded in our minds was actually an emergency message that Kaori and Amanda had sent to all Euro Grantians. They're hopefully waiting for those people to fill the alliance pact. One day after this, the invasion will come to all of us. With all hope, I hope that this world is gonna be saved, although it's now targeted by the Goddess.

"Urgh...?". - I woke up from my short nap after that

I look around, then see my wife looking at me. I realize that my head is on her thighs, she is gently cuddling my face. I want to have a moment to be sweet with her but... maybe I should keep my eyes on the mission now. We are having a trip with these Madame Deities to get inside the Sword Mountain, the location placed under the stone Palace.

"Princess, please hurry". - Sarah asked my wife to hurry to keep up with her

"Wait for me a bit...". - Shera replied to my subordinate, then slowly patted my head. "Get up, John... hehe". - She smiled at me

I slowly get up after that, then look around me. Right now, I'm standing before the Sword Mountain's entrance, we are about to head inside the place. I look around for more, and see Sarah and Hatano crouching before a stone slate for no reason. I approach 'em, my wife follows me from behind then holds my hand.

"What are you doing?".

"Ah, Commander...". - Sarah left the stone slate, she looked up to see me. "This mountain thing... we used to see it before, and I wonder if this thing is the same one we used to see in our world".

"?". - I made a wondering face to ask her to answer me

"You see...?". - Sarah pointed to a stone slate. "Two slates that we saw from our world are different from these, not even a single word on them".

"So what'd you mean? We're from the past or something?".

"Dunno...". - Sarah looked up to see me, she was unsure of her conclusion. "If this world is really having a connection to ours, then who had brought that Sword Mountain to Virginia in the ancient time till it was discovered in 1996?".

"Commander...". - Suddenly, Hatano got between our discussion as Sarah finished her words. "Get inside...". - She pointed to the Sword Mountain's entrance

"Eh, sis?". - She dragged Sarah to go with her after that

I start following my subordinates from behind. Shera and Reimi want to look around the Sword Mountain for more. But they have no choice but to keep up with me to get inside this dark place.

After we come inside the entrance to get into the Sword Cave, a black scenery appears before us. We turn on the lights from our Advisors to watch the location better. Amanda and Kaori can be seen standing beside a brown dirt wall. They stay silent as if to wait for us to come closer.

"You got them?". - Kaori suddenly asked me


"The jewels".

"Ah... here, mother". - My wife was a bit clumsy when she checked on my body, then she announced to my foster mom as she found the bag that was holding the blue jewels

Before F.R.O.N.D.E.R: Epilogue Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя