C261: Jewels Of Apostles (Part 1)

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Chapter 261: Jewels Of Apostles (Part 1)

Reimi Frieden's perspective

After Her Highness allowed me to go to the village's school in Zaira, I thanked her then we parted ways. Honestly to say, I think John and Shera should have free time to intimate after recent tragic incidents. It's time for both of them to rest and calm down.

I hope John won't keep his mind in deep sadness for too long after his subordinates' deaths. Although Sarah and Hatano aren't here anymore, I'll be sure to take care of John for both of them.

And I hope Lady Sarah and Lady Hatano are now in the heaven door. Right now, only the three of us are left in the group, we have to move on.

Ah, by the way. After I returned to this world, I remembered something odd. Particularly, I got "odd" memories after I went through a terrible headache when I woke up. Nothing was serious until I went to sleep.

In my dream, I saw myself and John. Both of us were in love or something, but we were in a warring country. Somehow in that dream, I saw John guiding me to use a rifle or something... it's strange.

But due to lack of information about this thing, I have no idea what was that odd dream saying. I think when I meet John again, I'll ask him.

Yeah, I will surely ask J-

"Please go on, Ms. Frieden!". - All of sudden, a loud voice of a woman woke me up from thinking around

"Eh...?". - I got bewildered, then looked around

"Ms. Frieden, can you hear me?". - Oh, the one who asked me is a magic teacher of this elven's school, Tisia.  "Just a spell, cast a simple one".

"Uhh...".  "Please wait a bit".

Then I go on thinking about why do I get here.....

Yeah, I went to this school with the only purpose was to walk around. Then a teacher came to me and... Ahh, I remember how I got here!

Well, I was thinking about going to the school's library. But in the end, a teacher was in need of a practicer for her new magic learning students, so she asked me. How the hell did I accept to go in? Sigh...

"I'm sorry, Ms. Tisia, please tell me again".

"Please teach these children how to cast a spell, Ms. Frieden".  "A very simple spell... a "Fireball", perhaps". - That teacher raised her hand to something behind me, as if to ask me to look in that direction

I turn around, then see a long green field ahead. This seems to be a training room in the school, it's times wider than the one in my old school. Before me are bunches of wooden scarecrows, placed in the middle of the field, away from each other 2 - 3, meters.

"Remember, children". - Oh, She's making a speech to the kid students when I'm standing before the magic shooting range.  "Magic has five elements: Fire, Water, Wind, Earth and "non-attribute", the rarest".  "Depends on your parents' elements, most of us will have at least 2 elements naturally when we were born".  "Most of us will have two, while the talent ones will have more".  " "Fire" is the most common magic one, next is "Water" ".

"When you want to cast a spell, you need to have the method in your mind...".  "Since all of you are in the Beginner level, children... it'll take you some time".  "Raise your hand, aim at the target, have the spell in your mind, close your eyes...".  "Then... say out the spell, wait for the time the spell gets released...".

"Please go on, Ms. Frieden... perform to the children...". - Understood, Ms. Tisia

I stand straight, looking at four targets ahead. I raise my right hand, locking targets then slowly cast the spell. Since I've mastered this spell as a Master, I can cast it with both eyes open, and have immediate result. But, I want to do it slowly to let these children know to do it properly... alright, let's do it.

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