C187: Sick Love (Part 2)

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Chapter 187: Sick Love (Part 2)

Rigen's perspective

After running away from the blonde crazy woman, I closed the library's door as a temporary way to slow her down while running like a madman in the hallway. What a bad nightmare, why it was still lasting for so long?! Because in the previous nightmares, I never had to run this far but today was very different, as if I had been stuck in this dream forever!

"Johnnnnn! Get back here!". - Shera kept chasing me while holding the knife, I didn't not near her but my skin was very shivering to hear her screams

The mysterious power seemed to be unleashed once again and it was buffing my stamina, my feet could still run very fast though they were very sore and burned. After a few seconds of madly sprinting, I changed direction and headed to another hallway while trying to find a safe room to hide in.

But my sight. Not because my eyes were not good but because the vision in this dark building was very hard to see, did not have many lights. The entire hallway was just dark and gloomy, some lights were lighting the place thanks to the crack holes in the roof and the blocked windows, but still very dark!

"Tinkling! Tinkling! Tinkling! Tinkling! Tinkling!". - While running in the hallway, the echoes from the metal shoes kept sounding loudly, I just wanted to get rid of it!

"Johnnnnnn!". - This woman kept chasing me non-stop, must do something to cut off her track or I will die!

I was quite fatigued now but kept trying to run while looking at the walls from both sides while running, must have rooms in this place for me to hide, I hope so. Luckily that while running in the hallway, I saw a bit of a door hanging on the wall from the left side so I held my max running speed and lost my balance while trying to stop myself from running.

"Hahhhhh! Hahhhhh! Haaahhhh! Haaahhh! Haaaah! Haaahhhh! Haah". - Could not believe that I could run for this long because my body was sweating a lot while my heart was beating crazily, my feet were burning in hell!

That mysterious power had gone once again so I fatigued fastly, but kept trying to walk to the room for hiding Shera. My feet painfully stepped to the room while my heart was beating madly and my nose was gasping very hard as if I was about to breathless.

At all costs must adapt to this weak body or I'll die for sure. After a short walk, I grabbed the door's handle and was shocked to realize that my right hand was sweating in its palm because I wiped my forehead earlier after running.

Didn't care if she could found out or not so I opened the door despite the sweat and wet dust had marked in the handle as I touched the door. In front of me was now a room that seemed to store goods or something, it was empty but had some closets. Should I risk hiding in one closet and choose the right time when she was opening every one of those closets, I run outside?

But at first...so tired to hide!

"Hahhhh! Haaaahhhhh! Haahhhh! Haaaahhh! Hahhhh! Haaaahhh!". - Because I was terribly tired so I grabbed my hand to a closet while gasping like a crazy, this body was terribly dehydrated, weak and sore the muscles

"John! Where are you?!".  "There's no point in hiding, please don't make me mad...".  "I promise...no punishment would be made if you show up, John...". - My strength suddenly regained when I heard the voices of Shera from outside

I was very afraid of her so I immediately opened the closet's doors and put myself inside while hoping that this crazy woman would never go into this room to search for me. Shit...my body was very tall but this closet seemed to be small compared to my body, could not fit inside but I hope lying in there in a certain posture might help...

Before F.R.O.N.D.E.R: Epilogue Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz