C206: Opening Of War

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Chapter 206: Opening Of War

Sherry's perspective 
Day 30 of the first Winter, 1173 (November 30, 1173)
1st-afternoon bell (1:16 PM),
Keris Palace - Warsaw Kingdom




I cannot believe that time had slipped so fast. Today was day 30 of the first Winter, the war was very near to our neck. This time I was inside the King's room, alongside His Majesty to discuss the plan to unify the entire continent.

To be honest, he must be hallucinating about this idea, Hoster was thinking too far than what he could do. He ordered the craftsmen to make a very large map of the Human Continent for him to put in his room. Now the map had been finished, and he was walking along it to watch its detailed making... alright.

While standing to observe His Majesty, I realized today was in Winter but it was not as cold as the previous years. Because from day time, we would use the sun source to light up our room. Windows were available in each room and were always open to having the sunlit.

Until when night comes, we would use the sources from candles or lanterns to light up the room. Back to the present, I could feel the cool air from outside flying in here instead of the cold of Warsaw winter.

I was a bit nervous to know about the incoming war. His Majesty said it would occur at the time the Queen gives birth to John Rigen's baby, but the way how Hoster makes it happen was beyond my imagination and prediction. From this time, the baby inside the Queen's belly was about to be coming out. To me, the second Winter would be the day it would happen.

I hope everything will be fine, 'cause Lord Rigen and his subordinates were now preparing very well for the incoming war. The plan to strike it hadn't been exposed yet. So in case the war happens in the future, we would be all able to deal with it without any big struggles.

But to deal with the war, we should not let our guard down. Especially when the Prime Minister and the Queen were still here with us... His Majesty was now planning to assassinate them during the war against Attenta alliance. Needless to say, I could not predict anything furthermore since time forward would be hard to do that.

In the past few months, Prime Minister Alt Toten had gone to Attenta Kingdom to meet up with the King and stayed there for a while. The real purpose of his trip was mysterious to me and Hoster. But thanks to that old man's disappearance, we had used that time to extend our allies and conduct secret operations in the military.

A few days ago, we received a letter from that old man, it said he was on his departure, intending to return here after a long time in Attenta. But maybe we should not be too worried about his return. Everything was under control, we had done our best in the time he wasn't here to manipulate His Majesty.

"Advisor Sherry". - From this time, everything was under His Majesty's control, the war would be a one-way side

"Advisor Sherry... I want to ask you something". - Maybe I should ask Hoster to put John and his folks to the frontline when the war occurs, that man must suffer for raping me, he must suffer all of it!

"Advisor Sherry?". - Not just John but also his fellows must die all, must suffer all too!

"Advisor Sherry, answer me!".  "Flinches!". - Suddenly I heard a loud voice sounding toward me, turned out that His Majesty had been calling me for a while without having my reply

"Uhhh... yes, Your Majesty?". - Well, I was startled when I reacted to his voice, but I managed to keep myself calm, fitting my posture and returned to say calmly

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