C202: Find A Job (Part 2)

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Chapter 202: Find A Job (Part 2)

Erissen's perspective

"Sis?!". - I was so surprised to see her appearance so I called her surprisingly

"How...h-, I mean, how did yo-".

"Don't be that confused, Eris".

"...". - Maybe I should keep silent

Raptu seemed to be worried about something, she kept hiding behind the corner while pointing her eyes outside of the alley to see the street. As if now she was hiding from something. I assumed she was a defector who defected from the military training in the school.

After a short time peeking outside, Raptu pull her hood to be deeper to cover her head, then turned around and approached me peacefully. Her face expressed some annoys while touching her green cloak, which made me curious why.

"Where you were heading to?".

"Umm...this place". - I slowly pulled out the draft that I took from the previous info board, giving it to Raptu

"Alright...". "May you lead me to your living place, Eris?".


"I need to change my clothes, this outfit's too familiar to my fellows". - What did she mean? Her fellows? Now I was a bit bewildered

"Don't worry, I'll be leaving later". "Just please lead me to your living place, only to change this thing".

"Ummm...no, sorry". "Shakes head...". - She was so strange today

"Understood...". "But may I follow you?".

"Ummm...yeah". - After hearing my answer, Raptu returned to me the draft

We shortly stood inside the alley for a few seconds because Raptu was still cautious about the things out of the street. After seeing there was nothing for her to worry about, she nodded to me and both of us started moving outside. This time, I walked alongside Raptu on the sidewalk.

All of the sudden, Raptu grabbed my hand while we were walking on the sidewalk, a bit strange again. Not like normal in the previous times, we tended to hold hands while hanging out together but this time was hard to describe. The one who I admired, wishing to be as strong as her not to be bullied or overwhelmed, now acted so strangely.

"Are you hurt, Eris?". - While walking with me, she asked me while pointing her head forward, behind or sometimes turning left to right as if to scout for dangers

"No...". "But may I ask you something, sis?". "You defected?".

"No, that's not it". "I was jailed as you know from Lord Rigen...". "He also sent people to bribe, to release me, so I was released that soon". "But ever since I got out, my parents heard the incident so they recalled me...now I have to work in my homeland's military, for no reason".

"What? Military? Your family comes from the military, sis?".

"Yeah...kind of a traditional, a military family...of th-, never mind". - She kept silent again while walking with me, the location of the house was not so far, would be there for a few minutes, I guess

This time, Raptu kept looking around while thinking something very long in her mind. Later...she suddenly stopped the mid-walk so I also stopped alongside her. What the hell? I asked myself. Because the sidewall ahead was a clothing shop, Raptu's eyes seemed to be very concentrated on the two people who wore the same green cloaks as her talking to a woman. As if she was worried about them.

"We should move now, they're my bodyguards...". - After whispering to me, she grabbed my hand tighter while leading me to a nearby alley

As we turned behind, I noticed those cloak men also realized our behaviors so they stopped talking with the street woman and approached us. Raptu kept increasing her walking speed, didn't stop moving deep inside the place. Later she stopped while staring at me, just without hesitation but pressed me to the wall.

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