Chapter 42.

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Third person POV (Minho)

The first time Minho realized he was evil was back in middle school when one of his classmates disrespected his geography teacher and he had dropped his berry juice over his classmate's geo assignment to punish him.

The tears in the egoistic boy's eyes were such a balm to his fired soul who remembered the tears in his teacher's eyes when the boy called her slurs and made fun of her virtue. He had been livid, and on top of that, he had wanted to teach the disrespectful bitch a lesson. 

No one ever caught him, the students who even had a chance of knowing it was him didn't care to snitch, they all enjoyed it and supported his action.

From that day onwards, Minho came to terms with his Scorpio energy.

He knew he was wickedly mischievous and devilish. He knew he had a fiery temper and a no-nonsense personality and he also knew his atrocious playfulness really flustered people.

And so, when he leaned across the bench to touch Hyunjin's ice cream covered bottom lip, he wasn't shocked to see the younger blush profusely.

"You have a little ice cream there..." he spoke lowly, enjoying the reaction on Hyunjin's face at their close proximity. The rapper shied away in himself, his pale cheeks red and his doe eyes wide. It really did weird things to Minho's heart to see the normally confident and loud Hyunjin so shy and small in front of him.

He knew he had that affect on him, he always knew....

Hyunjin had never tried to be dominant over him, even though he had his own fair share of superior energy. The younger just seemed very submissive or compliant when it came to him. Maybe it was the threats, maybe it was the fact that Minho had always had some sort of upper hand between them, maybe Hyunjin just liked him so much, or maybe Minho just had a dominant aura. But whatever it was between the two, the elder knew he held the cards more tightly than the rapper.

And right now, he was determined to play the cards well.

He shifted on the bench, right beside Hyunjin and wrapped his arm around the younger's shoulders, who tensed up and gave him a cautious look. They were right outside the ice cream parlor, which was like 3 minutes away from their company building.

"Hyung... don't..." his voice was a warning that Minho was hell bent on ignoring. The elder smirked and leaned closer to nuzzle his nose against Hyunjin's neck, who gasped quietly and squeezed his thigh in return.

"Why not, hmm?" he whispered against the soft skin, before brushing his lips on it. Hyunjin sighed and threw his head back to give the elder better access and the action quite literally drove Minho crazy.

"I will not be held responsible for jumping you right now if you don't stop." Minho lifted his head at the hoarse loaded words and their eyes met.

They were so close Minho could see the brown flecks in Hyunjin's dark lustful eyes. They were hooded and his long eyelashes fanned against his blushed cheeks. His parted lips blew warm breath across Minho's wet ones and the feeling made him want to slam the younger against the wall and kiss him senseless. The flustered expression, the hot mess of hair, the seductive eyes and the dare in Hyunjin's aura really made him thirsty.

A smirk adorned his lips and he let go of the younger.

"Make me stop." he grinned and grabbed Hyunjin's hand, pulling the younger after him as he speed-walked to the company.

Deja vu to the two hours ago when the rapper dragged him out of the building.

Hyunjin had planned a fluff reunion.

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