Chapter 1.

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Third Person Pov (Felix)

With a weary sigh, Felix turned off the camera and successfully ended his hour long vlive.

He was mentally exhausted.

It was not easy to entertain a million people all by himself. Especially after receiving his manager's text about the plan of deciding dorm mates today which had left him distracted and anxious.

Felix knew it was coming but he was not prepared for it. He did not want to be separated from 4 of his members. See, Felix is a total sweetheart who loves and adores all of his members, who feels at ease around them, who feels content and safe with them. So, knowing that he will only wake up to 3 of his members instead of all 7, like he previously used to, made him apprehensive of the arrangement.

However, what hiked his anxiety was another text from Chan, stating that he should hurry up since the arrangement has been decided.

Felix halted his steps, suddenly wanting to crawl back to his room and cuddle his Minkitty plushie and go to sleep. He did not want to know.

What if he got stuck with Hyunjin? Or worse, what if he got stuck with Hyunjin and Minho BOTH??

That would be a little too much for the brownie boy.

Chasing after Hyunjin while watching him chase after Minho would break his heart. Felix had finally started to try and give up on Hyunjin and rooming in with him would only complicate things.

Another sigh left his lips as he speedwalked to the dance practice room, knowing the strength might leave him if he waited too much.

He pulled open the door, hesitantly, peeking inside once to make sure he was at the right place.

As soon as his blonde head came into view, the quiet room erupted in chaos, calling him over to join them quickly.
Felix smiled at his friends as he made his way over to the couch, bowing and wishing the staff members around in the process.

Jeongin, Jisung, and Seungmin were sprawled out on the couch while Hyunjin and Changbin sat on the floor.

Felix's eyes wandered around in search of his aussie brother and Minho. And sure enough, he found them talking together on the other side of the room next to the speakers.

Minho seemed stressed about something with his shoulders hunched and posture limp, while Chan seemed to be comforting him about it, patting his shoulders as a sign of support.

That interaction definitely got Felix worried and curious for his feline hyung.

Minho was already very tired and anxious due to the upcoming Oddinary album drop. He had even snapped at Jisung once during practice because he kept messing around.

Felix made a mental note to comfort Minho later on, maybe with some brownies and an offer of massage since the older loved them so much.

For now though, Felix had bigger problems.

He turned back to his fellow members, moving over to sit on Jisung's lap as he finally got to the point.
"So...." he started out anxiously, "Who are the dorm mates now?"

And that was enough to make his friends go into a frenzy, making them all speak at the same time, trying to inform the blonde boy of their miseries at the arrangement.

Felix caught a couple of complains from Hyunjin stating something about Changbin being too loud.

Jisung was whining about having to share his place with messy humans, which was funny since he was the messiest of them all.

Jeongin, too, was speaking but he seemed happy for some reasons Felix failed to catch onto as his poor brain struggled in the chaos.

Finally, he threw Seungmin a helpless look, a plead for help.
"Alright guys, y'all can shut up your complain boxes now. So Lix, its us maknaes with Minho hyung and Hyunjin with the workaholics." Seungmin informed Felix, who felt his heart sink right to his toes.

Rooming in with Minho hyung?? Why is the world after the poor sunshine? What crime has he committed for such torture? How will he survive now?

So, maybe Felix was being a little dramatic, but could you blame him? Jeongin and Seungmin are almost always together, whether its their vocal lessons or hanging out. Its not that they wouldn't let Felix join them, far from it, but Felix knew they preferred to be in each other's company more.

Its also not like Felix doesn't wants to be with Minho, it was quite the opposite actually. Lately, Felix has been way into Minho than he would like to admit, which scared the poor boy out of his wits.

Not only did he like Hyunjin but he was also interested in Minho now?

Disaster.... It was a disaster for Lee Felix's heart.

It was kinda hard not to fall for Minho tho, when the older was just so sweet to the freckled boy.

Minho was your typical heartthrob. His smile and laugh made Felix warm and giddy inside. His voice is what Felix loves the most. The soft soothing pitch in which he speaks almost never matches his sarcastic words which never fails to make the freckled boy laugh.

Oh living with Minho is gonna be tough.....

Was what Felix realized as his eyes found the feline boy again who was coming their way now.

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