Chapter 13.

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Third person POV (Felix)

"Ah shit.... shit shit shit...." Felix cursed, holding his hand which he had accidentally bumped against the hot oven. He closed his eyes in pain, feeling his bones and nerves pulsating with the blazing heat from the hard iron body he had knocked his knuckles into.

A few moments later, he finally felt the pain ebbing away and he quickly turned on the faucet to cool down his burn. Thankfully, the burn wasn't that bad since he had jerked his hand away pretty quick, but his knuckles certainly hurt from the collision.

He sighed in exhaustion. The weeks were getting tough and he had a lot of focusing to do. Especially since they were taking the comeback harder this time, with better vocals and tougher dance steps.

Despite the hectic week and promising stress, Felix hadn't been able to sleep properly in days due to that one night, when he had dropped the question on Minho. He had given in to his insecurity and was inconsiderate of the fact that his words could hurt his hyung.

And they did. He could see the moment his question wounded Minho to the point where he started questioning his own actions.

And that pained the freckled boy. He hadn't meant to hurt Minho's feelings. He only wanted confirmation that he didn't bother the elder with his clingy tendencies. But it seemed like the older got the wrong idea. Felix could still hear his voice in his head...

"I know you don't feel comfortable around me.."

That was not true and Felix wanted Minho to know that.

Which was why the Aussie was baking brownies. He knew Minho loved those and what could be a better way to resolve this misunderstanding between them than brownies?

The boy glanced anxiously at the wall clock which showed 3:49 p.m. Minho had mentioned he would come home around 4, which meant Felix had to hurry up. Thankfully, the brownies only had 3 more minutes to go.

The freckled boy quickly cleaned up the stove and dishes—he knew Minho hated messy kitchen—and then dusted off his cloths just as the oven beeped to announce the brownies being ready.

This time, the boy was careful with avoiding accidents and wore his mittens before taking out the brownies.

By the time the doorbell rung at 4:07, Felix had shoved the brownies behind some appliances he didn't know the name off, to cool it down.

Opening the door with a warm smile, he invited Minho in. The boy was sweaty and obviously tired which meant he most likely would take a shower, because Lee Minho cannot sleep messy. That would give Felix a lot of time to get the brownies decorated and cut up for presentation.

"Where are those two?" Minho rasped.

"Sleeping." Felix answered shortly, helping the older into his room. Minho dropped his bag in his closet and came straight out, carrying some comfortable clothes.

"I will take a shower. Do we have any food prepared?" It was the way Minho used 'we' instead of 'you' so as to not make it seem like Felix should have made him food as an obligation, that warmed the Aussie's heart.

"Some leftover kimchi fried rice and japchae." Felix answered, handing Minho a towel. "Should I heat it up?"

"Yes, please." Minho brushed the hair away from his eyes, tilting his head back. Felix felt his heart thrum wildly at how attractive his hyung looked, covered in sweat with his messy hair.

Aish no..... Stay loyal Yongbok....

Shaking his head, Felix left the room to heat up the food and cut his brownies.


"Mmmm this tastes so good.... Which genius made this? Wahhh~" Felix rolled his eyes at Minho's pathetic attempt of self-praising.

"Genius and food do not go together, hyung." He put some fried eggs in front of him before sitting down beside him. Minho methodically fed Felix some kimchi fried rice, while the younger could only stare at the precious human in front of him, feeling emotional over how naturally caring and sweet his hyung is. He kept staring at him the entire course of meal. He couldn't help it, while he looked like a meal himself.

"You gonna keep looking at me like a vampire again?" Felix sighed and picked up the dishes to take them to the sink.

"No, but I will talk to you about something." He answered, nervously picking up a piece of brownie and holding it out to Minho.

He watched how the dancer's eyes widened in shock, flicking to the Aussie's face and back, before he took a bite. And suddenly his doe eyes were closed in pleasure as he praised the brownies taste.

"Wow Lix, you are getting even better when I thought you had already reached your best." Felix tried to suppress the huge smile spreading across his lips at his hyung's words but damn it, he couldn't do it. Its not everyday you hear a genuine praise and impressiveness in Minho's voice. Felix was going to treasure the memory forever it seemed.

He fed Minho a couple of more pieces before pulling the said male to his room. The elder was confused, of course, but he went along with the Aussie knowing it must be something important.

Felix could feel the nerves knotting in his stomach, he didn't want to mess it up again. He hands were sweating and he was shaking from anxiety. Either this would go very well and will improve their relationship, or it will ruin everything between them. But Felix wasn't gonna be a coward. That was the first thing he had learnt from Minho.

'Don't be a coward' he had said when Felix had admitted to being scared and timid in front of the directors and evaluators.

'If you let them scare you, they will scare you. But if you let them motivate you, you will be greater and better than them.'

"Hyung..." Felix turned towards Minho the second they sat on his bed. He wrung his hands together in anxiety which caught the elder's attention. Minho took Felix's hands in his own gently and patted it in reassurance, smiling softly. Seeing the small smile on his face fueled Felix's determination.

"I wanted to clear something up. I do not feel uncomfortable around you. I don't know where or how you got that from, but I am far from feeling anxious around you. You are one of the very few people I feel completely safe and comfortable with. Being around you keeps me at peace. Your presence calms me down. Whenever I see you, I feel reassured that someone is there for me, that someone has and will always protect me. I asked that question because I felt that sometimes I overbear you too much due to my high energy, not because you are not affectionate or open with me. I like you this way hyung. I don't want an over-affectionate and cuddly Minho, I want you, a sassy and hard-headed but warm-hearted Minho. I am sorry if I hurt your feelings, I never meant to. My insecurity got the best of me, but I will not let my insecurity drown you in your insecurities too. I like you how you are hyung. I like you a lot." He finished smoothly, feeling the thrill of being vulnerable about his emotions very comforting.

He had not only opened up and cleared the misunderstanding but also kind off solved his own emotions and confusions about the elder. Every single word he had uttered, from feeling safe to loving the sassy humor to liking him a lot, Felix had been nothing but true and genuine to Minho.

And as his eyes met Minho's surprised gaze, he saw the understanding lying there. They might not be the loudest with their dynamics but that quietness is exactly what makes their bond special.

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