Chapter 12.

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Third person POV (Minho)

"Hop on." Minho crouched in front of Felix.

The Aussie had been complaining and whining the entire 2 minutes walk about muscle ache and bad mood so the older dancer finally took the hint and decided to give in to the baby.

The freckled boy quietly cheered, happy with the fact that his complains and whines were heard, and wrapped his arms around the dancer, clinging onto him like a koala bear.

Minho sighed and started walking the rest of the way to their dorm with his dongsaeng on his back.

Their 5 minutes walk was calming and silent. This was how it was between the two, they didn't talk much, just stayed in each other's company. And Minho liked this.

His dynamics with everyone was different. With Chan or Jisung, he knew he had to converse, but with Hyunjin or Felix or Jeongin, not much words were needed. Being together was what mattered to them.

It was true that he behaved differently around different people. Molding his personality and presence of mind according to people he is around. It is Minho's first class ability. And THIS is why people cannot understand his persona, because he has many. He can be sassy, sweet, warm, rude, blunt, inconsiderate, affectionate, clingy all on his own accord whenever and wherever he feels like. He could see where people fell short when analyzing him, they didn't ponder the fact that he may not be as transparent or as well-grounded as they assume him to be.

"Hyung..." Felix whispered in his ear. Minho hummed in reply, waiting for the younger to continue. But the blonde boy suddenly seemed too hesitant to carry on the conversation.

"What? You really gonna start a sentence and then trail off like that?"

Felix sighed and nuzzled his nose against Minho's neck and stayed there for some moments. It was only when they neared their dorm building that Minho felt the boy tense on his back. He could feel his hesitation waning away so he readied himself for whatever was bothering the younger.

"Does it....... Is it a... an inconvenience for you... when I try cuddling you? Like does it feels like a nuisance...?" Felix's husky voice trailed off towards the end of the sentence again.

Minho's nose flared in annoyance and he straightened up, a sign for the younger to get off his back. Felix did so without a word, feeling stupid for asking such a question and taking the actions of his hyung as a hint of a negative response.

It was silent for a beat as Minho tried to word his feelings properly. How could he do that, though? There was a reason he wasn't a songwriter, he was not good with words. But he knew he needed to answer the boy's doubts. It was his fault in the first place anyways, for being so obscure about his feelings that people start questioning their actions towards him.

"Lixie, I don't know what I did to make you feel like you are a nuisance, and I really cannot think of anything right now, but just know that you and your actions are not bothersome. I know I might seem closed off and I know you do not feel much comfortable around me, but your presence is anything but an inconvenience to me. Its just as fun for me as it is for you, those cuddle sessions or whatever you call them, but the only difference is that you show your pleasure while I don't." He completed, feeling weird and slightly hurt about the fact that no matter what he tries, he just doesn't seems like an approachable human.

"I know you don't feel comfortable around me. I am sorry for being so cold..." he added with disappointment in his eyes.

And with that, Minho unlocked their dorm and plastered on a smile for the maknaes. He waved the plastic bag with warm food in it and Jeongin was already jumping around him like an excited dog. Atleast his love language still works. Food can warm its way into anyone's heart.


"Go away." Minho whined, trying push away a clingy squirrel who had latched on him the second he collapsed on the couch.

Yeah sure, he had admitted he didn't dislike his member's cuddles but that doesn't means he likes getting ambushed with surprise hugs and clinginess everywhere he goes.

Jisung, on the other hand, refused vehemently and laughed evilly at his hyung's obvious annoyance.

The three dancers had met up again a couple of days later for the finalization of Charmer's choreography. The last two days had been very hectic because the members had to start their workout routines and dieting for the comeback. They also had their hair treatment and styling schedule the following weekend, so the boys managed to squeeze in a few hours of practice after their vocal recording. Jisung, Chan and Changbin had of course, been there in the studio which was how Minho ended up with a squirrel over him.

The whiny and tired boy had sneaked out of the studio a few minutes after Minho had left, and secretly joined danceracha in the dance practice room. How they failed to notice the hyper child was beyond the dancers' scope of intelligence, but anyways, after their choreographer bid his farewell for the week, the dancers indulged with Jisung.

Hyunjin laid down on top of Jisung, eliciting loud curses and threats from both Jisung and Minho, while Felix just laid down on the cool floor and laughed at his members. Getting hot and itchy from the sweat and adrenaline running in his veins, with one desperate push, Minho managed to shift Jisung and Hyunjin on the floor next to Felix and then watched in amusement as the laughing boy's eyes suddenly widened in terror.

"Don't you dare, I swear to God, Jisung......." Felix warned, sliding away from the hungry squirrel. Hyunjin, on the other hand, climbed back on top Minho and cackled when he saw Jisung attacking Felix.

Minho laughed too, feeling the annoyance fading away as he heard Jisung's happy babbles and excuses of hugging Felix, who was screaming his lungs off.

Hyunjin was giggling against his chest, finding the tussle hilarious. Minho loved seeing Hyunjin happy. The boy was so damn adorable when he was laughing or smiling, it made Minho want to take him away from the world and just keep him somewhere he could be happy forever.

Of course, he would never admit such loving thoughts to anyone but deep inside, Minho's life became a thousand times easier when his members smiled. He would do anything in his power to keep them happy, especially scarred ones like Hyunjin.

Overall, it was a good day in SKZville.

They were together and they were happy.

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